Design a Hash-Map to work as a spell-checker for words in the dictionary
- The hash table implements a spell checker.
- Created a file of 100 words of varying length(max 8 characters)
- All the words are in lower case.
- Designed the hash table and enter each word in the hash table.
Once the hash table is created, run it as a spell checker. You enter a word(interactive), find the word in your hash table. Display an error message if the word not found.
- Used the linear probing & quadratic probing and count the number of collisions and printed it.
- Start with a table size that is about 53. So, 100 words have a load factor of more than 0.5 the program should increase table size accordingly. Add 10 more words. The program should automatically determine that table size needs to increase.
- Rehash all the old words when you increase the table size.
Download the C++ code named spellchecker.cpp
and the words.txt
file and place them in the same directory. To Run the code, compile the code as:
g++ -o spellchecker spellchecker.cpp
and run as