"I have designed and developed a professional-grade Java project for efficient library management while learning Java Backend. This system provides users with the ability to store comprehensive details about books and their authors, enabling quick and easy search functionality within the library. The project was developed as part of my continuous learning process, with the primary aim of enhancing my Java programming skills while building a robust application that meets industry standards."
- Create Java Project for Bookstore App
- Sequence Diagram Explanation
- Class Diagram Explanation
- Creating all the required packages
- Creating the Book DTO and Entity classes
- Creating Repository Interface and Implementation layer for Book
- Creating Service layer Interface and Implementation layer for Book
- Creating Controller layer and Test Client class for Book
- Integrate Book Client with Controller and Service layer
- Learn to Debug the code by navigating through what we have build so far
- Integrate Repository & Converter layer for Book by using Adapter Design pattern
- Save the Book Entity in a list inside Repository
- Serialize and save Book Entity in file
- Write Deserialization logic to get the Book Entity object from the saved file
- Get Book Detail and Deserialize Object and Debugging