Updated to EaselJS 0.8.0
bitmap font library for createjs library
Use bmFonts or GlyphDesigner to export bitmap fonts. Inspired from starling bitmap fonts.
Important notes:
Export bitmap font from bmfont software (http://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/) to get png and .fnt file
Rename the .fnt file to .xml
Create BitmapFont instance.
var bitmapFont = new BitmapFont(bitmap,xml,32);
Register Bitmapfont with a name.
Create BitmapTextField
var bitmapText = new BitmapTextField(200,100,"Bitmap Text","cooper",-1,0,0,"left","top",true);
* Supports Multiline Text.
* Supports horizontal and vertical alignment.
* Support for \n for new line.
* kerning
* Change color using setColor method of BitmapTextField
Note: You need to include Filter.js and ColorFilter.js to your project, if you are using minified version of easeljs.