- Helper class created to facilitate a/b testing development process
- Add redTag.js library to your page
- redTag.js requires jQuery and Optimizely in order to work
// redTag.js - Configuration
optiLog: true, // Default false - Shows optimizely's log on startup
tagErrors: true, // Default false - Shows redTag errors on startup
goalsQa: true // Default false - Logs to console custom events triggered
// Helpers - Created to help with common tasks
redTag.setCookie(name,value,days); // - Set a cookie to the current document
redTag.readCookie(name); // - Read a cookie by name - returns value
redTag.deleteCookie(name); // - Delete a cookie by name
console.log('XMLHttpRequest finished'); // - Callback - Similar to ajaxComplete function
delay: 150, // Repeat loop every milliseconds
loopTimes: 10, // Number of times for the loop to run (looptimes * delay = total time)
condition: function(){ return variable === true }, // Condition to test
callback: function(){
console.log('variable is true'); // - Callback - Logic after condition is true
// Optimizely shortcuts - requires optimizely.js
redTag.logOptimizely(); // - Show optimizely's log even if config.optiLog == false
redTag.triggerEvent('event_name_from_optimizely'); // Triggers event to Optimizely
// jQuery extend helpers - requires jQuery.js
console.log('.element was created in the DOM'); // - Callback - When element is created