OBS: Baselines/spinningups PPO/TRPO/ACKTR does not take action limits into account. So must either change agent (clipping action), or the environmnet(allow all forces) for it to work.
A custom made gym environment for the classic, super simple control problem of a mass spring damper system.
to .../gym/envs/classic_control, ... being wherever your gym installation is. -
Add the following line
from gym.envs.classic_control.MassSpringDamper_env import MassSpringDamperEnv
to gym/envs/classic_control/__init__.py
- Add the following lines
to gym/envs/__init__.py
- Run it like a normal gym environment! For example:
import gym
import gym.envs
env = gym.make('MassSpringDamper-v0')
env.reset(goal_x, goal_x_dot) # if no goal is stated it is set to 0,0
for _ in range(1000):
action = env.action_space.sample()
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) # take a random action
Two states: position and velocity. Goal position is constant.
Three states: position, velocity, and distance to goal point. Goal position is random.
Three states: position, velocity, and distance to goal point. Goal position is random, zero velocity desired.
Four states : position, velocity, position goal, and desired speed at goal position.