Releases: vimontgames/vgframework
VG Framework 0.25 "Freaky Clown"
Fix an issue with CountLeadingZeroes that could return a different result depending on CPU used
Jolt no more uses AVX2 to allow running on older hardware
VGFramework requires AVX1 available on any AMD/Intel CPU since 2011 (Bulldozer/Sandy Bridge)
Patch shader files in memory to support GPU DebugInfo/Warning/Error/Assert
Fix non-triangulated mesh import
VG Framework 0.24 "Kasper"
New darker ImGui style
Read instance color and texture from GPUInstanceData and GPUMaterialData
Improve BLAS management
Transparent pass
Lock-free multithreaded debug display
(Includes Release & Debug builds)
VG Framework 0.21
Add support for inline RayTracing with BLAS & TLAS for DirectX12/Vulkan
Duplicate/Instanciate GameObjects hierarchies UI
Log shader and PSO compilation timings
Optimize physics broadphase when game starts
Use float for dt instead of double
Optimized DirectX12 clear color
Fix multithread issue in Resource window when hot-reloading
Variable map/unmap size to speed up skinning
Update Vulkan Memory Allocator to 3.0.1
Update hlslpp to 3.4
VG Framework 0.20
v0.20 vgframework 0.20
VG Framework 0.17
v0.17 Scenes and World as resources
VG Framework 0.16
v0.16 Fix world matrix name
VG Framework 0.14
v0.14 Update
VG Framework 0.13
v0.13 Update
VG Framework 0.11
Asynchronous resource loading
VG Framework 0.1
v0.1 Update