NOTE: The current image version is v1.0.0
. Please file any issues you find and note the version used.
The AWS ALB Ingress Controller satisfies Kubernetes ingress resources by provisioning Application Load Balancers.
This project was originated by Ticketmaster and CoreOS as part of Ticketmaster's move to AWS and CoreOS Tectonic. Learn more about Ticketmaster's Kubernetes initiative from Justin Dean's video at Tectonic Summit.
This project was donated to Kubernetes SIG-AWS to allow AWS, CoreOS, Ticketmaster and other SIG-AWS contributors to officially maintain the project. SIG-AWS reached this consensus on June 1, 2018.
Checkout our Live Docs!
To get started with the controller, see our walkthrough.
- See controller setup on how to install ALB ingress controller
- See external-dns setup for how to setup the external-dns to manage route 53 records.
For details on building this project, see