This repo is read-only as of 2023-0127 - please see my repo - this repo is left read/only so folks can find any old PR that might still work with the refactored combined listener/simulator tools.
This is a quick listener for the WeatherFlow UDP broadcasts that can:
- print the received UDP broadcasts to stdout
- print the decoded broadcasts in a more human-friendly form
- publish derived topics to MQTT
- publish derived topics to influxdb
- support any combination of Air/Sky/Tempest
- support multiple instances of Air/Sky/Tempest at your site
NOTE - This is tested using v119 of the WeatherFlow hub firmware.
As of September 1, 2020 - I no longer have any WeatherFlow gear and can't test anything. I'll leave this repo up for the forseeable future, but it is extremely unlikely that I will work any bugs or feature requests or merge any PR. Feel free to identify things here and provide PR so others can find them, but it's very unlikely I'll pick this up much in the forseeable future. Thanks.
It is important to understand your reasonable expectations regarding this software working via listening to the local UDP broadcasts of observations and events emitted by the Hub. The following are limitations of the WeatherFlow gear itself and how it is implemented by the vendor.
you can not expect 'rain' readings to be accurate. WeatherFlow adjusts the accumulated rain for a calendar day via their proprietary RainCheck algorithms, which run in a batch job on the morning of the 'next' calendar day based on midnight at your location. While you can trust that the rain start 'event' you see is truth as your station's sensors saw when rain started, you can 'not' reasonably trust rain accumulation or rain rate based on the UDP broadcasts by your Hub.
you can not expect 'lightning' to be accurate. WeatherFlow essentially crowd-sources and calculates an aggregated lightning reading for your station as you would see it their web page or mobile app. While the UDP lightning data from your station 'is' used by the WeatherFlow servers as part of this aggregation on their end, you are not the 'sole' source of lightning data reported for your station (as viewed on their web or mobile app).
all other data reported from the UDP broadcasts on your LAN 'can' be assumed to match up with what you would see if you used the WeatherFlow web page, mobile app, REST, or Websockets APIs which all connect to WeatherFlow servers on Internet.
- Added ability to write directly to influxdb (thanks to user clouserw via PR)
- Multiple Air/Sky devices per hub is now supported. See the -M option below
- The --weewx option has been deleted
- The listener now supports python3. All examples below have been updated accordingly.
- Typical output has been significantly quieted down, with debugging output suppressed unless you use the --verbose flag
Use python --version
and python3 --version
to check your python version
- python2 - version 2.7.9 or later is required
- python3 - version 3.6.0 or later is required
Raspbian versions based on Debian 10 have a recent enough python3 by default. You can always compile your own from source if you 'must' use python3 on an earlier os, but I'd recommend just using the built-in python2. It works 100% the same.
The listener by default binds to all active network interfaces, so if you have multiple live network interfaces on the same subnet, it is possible that you will 'hear' multiple copies of the UDP broadcasts.
- The author has experienced this on a Intel NUC running Ubuntu 18.04LTS, although it does not seem to be the default behavior on the raspberry pi running Raspbian. The preferred workaround, of course, is to disable wifi if you have a wired computer. The listener also supports an optional
--address x.x.x.x
parameter where you can hard-set the ip address of the interface on the runtime host that you want to listen on.
- The author has experienced this on a Intel NUC running Ubuntu 18.04LTS, although it does not seem to be the default behavior on the raspberry pi running Raspbian. The preferred workaround, of course, is to disable wifi if you have a wired computer. The listener also supports an optional
This requires installing the paho mqtt and influxdb python libraries.
On a debian(ish) system that can be done by:
# for python3
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip && sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt influxdb
sudo apt-get install -y python3-paho-mqtt python3-influxdb
# for python2
sudo apt-get install -y python-pip && sudo pip install paho-mqtt influxdb
usage: [-h] [-r] [-d] [-s] [-l LIMIT] [-x EXCLUDE] [-i] [-m] [-n]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r, --raw print raw data to stddout
-d, --decoded print decoded data to stdout
-s, --syslog syslog unexpected data received
-l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
limit obs type(s) processed
-x EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
exclude obs type(s) from being processed
-i, --indent indent raw data to stdout (requires -d)
-m, --mqtt publish to MQTT
-M, --multi-mqtt specify there are multiple air/sky/tempest present
-n, --no_pub report but do not publish to MQTT
-b MQTT_BROKER, --mqtt_broker MQTT_BROKER
MQTT broker hostname
-t MQTT_TOPIC, --mqtt_topic MQTT_TOPIC
MQTT topic to post to
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
address to listen on
--influxdb publish to influxdb
--influxdb_host INFLUXDB_HOST
hostname or ip of InfluxDb HTTP API
--influxdb_port INFLUXDB_PORT
port of InfluxDb HTTP API
--influxdb_user INFLUXDB_USER
InfluxDb username
--influxdb_pass INFLUXDB_PASS
InfluxDb password
--influxdb_db INFLUXDB_DB
InfluxDb database name
-v, --verbose verbose output to watch the threads
for --limit, possibilities are:
rapid_wind, obs_sky, obs_air,
hub_status, device_status, evt_precip, evt_strike
wind_debug, light_debug, rain_rebug
- Typical usage scenarios
- Debugging your WeatherFlow SmartWeather station
- Printing out unaltered data received from the station broadcasts
- Decoding the station data into a more human-friendly format
- Limiting the output to one observation/status/event type
- Reformatting the JSON data for easier interpretation
- Syslogging unexpected JSON received
- Publishing to MQTT
- Mosquitto MQTT Client Primer
- Subscribing to MQTT published topics
- WeatherFlow MQTT topics
- Subscribing to MQTT published topics
- Publishing to InfluxDB
Typically it is expected that this script would be used to generate MQTT publish messages for a MQTT broker to make available for consuming devices. You can do so as follows:
# publish to mqtt, exclude one observation type, syslog unknown data received
nohup python3 /usr/local/bin/ --mqtt \
--exclude "rapid_wind" \
--syslog >/dev/null 2>&1 &
# or publish to mqtt, and limit to only two observations
nohup python3 /usr/local/bin/ --mqtt \
--limit "obs_sky obs_air" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
# or publish to mqtt, and 'exclude' a particular observation type
nohup python3 /usr/local/bin/ --mqtt \
--exclude "rapid_wind" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
FWIW, the author typically runs the first variant above by simply putting the command into /etc/rc.local
so it starts up on bootup.
Running the listener interactively can help debug the health and realtime observations of your WeatherFlow station.
The --raw option prints out decoded UDP broadcasts in JSON format to stdout...
pi@zero:~ $ python3 --raw
{"hub_sn": "HB-00010412", "ob": [1535684062, 0.63, 272], "serial_number": "SK-00013695", "type": "rapid_wind"}
The --decoded option prints a more human-friendly output of the decoded UDP broadcast...
pi@zero:~ $ python3 --decoded
hub_status => ts = 1535819472 firmware_revision = 91 uptime = 333458 rssi = -35
rapid_wind => ts = 1535819474 mps = 1.34 dir = 190
rapid_wind => ts = 1535819477 mps = 1.48 dir = 211
The '--limit type' option limits the event/status/observation(s) being processed.
pi@zero:~ $ python3 --raw --limit hub_status
{"firmware_revision": "91", "fs": "1,0", "mqtt_stats": [53], "radio_stats": [5, 3], "reset_flags": "BOR,PIN,POR", "rssi": -35, "seq": 33368, "serial_number": "HB-00010412", "timestamp": 1535819752, "type": "hub_status", "uptime": 333738}
{"firmware_revision": "91", "fs": "1,0", "mqtt_stats": [53], "radio_stats": [5, 3], "reset_flags": "BOR,PIN,POR", "rssi": -35, "seq": 33370, "serial_number": "HB-00010412", "timestamp": 1535819772, "type": "hub_status", "uptime": 333758}
Note: you may supply multiple limited observations ala:
# comma-delimited
python3 --limit obs_sky,obs_air
# quoted and space-delimited
python3 --limit "obs_sky obs_air"
You can also exclude observations, processing everything else, ala:
python3 --exclude "rapid_wind"
python3 --exclude "device_status rapid_wind"
python3 --exclude device_status,rapid_wind
The --indent option reformats the output to be a little more readable...
@zero:~ $ python3 --raw --limit rapid_wind --indent
"hub_sn": "HB-00010412",
"ob": [
"serial_number": "SK-00013695",
"type": "rapid_wind"
"hub_sn": "HB-00010412",
"ob": [
"serial_number": "SK-00013695",
"type": "rapid_wind"
The --syslog option will syslog any received JSON data that has an unknown or missing device["type"]. You almost certainly do 'not' want to use this option and also specify the --indent option, as the default JSON dumped will be a (long) one-liner suitable for syslog.
The --mqtt option publishes JSON to MQTT.
pi@zero:~ $ python3 --mqtt
publishing to mqtt://mqtt/wf/status/sky
publishing to mqtt://mqtt/wf/obs/sky
publishing to mqtt://mqtt/wf/rapid_wind
publishing to mqtt://mqtt/wf/rapid_wind
Adding the --decoded option shows decoded data from the broadcast as well
pi@zero:~ $ python3 --mqtt --decoded
rapid_wind => ts = 1535821622 mps = 1.07 dir = 316
publishing to mqtt://mqtt/wf/rapid_wind
hub_status => ts = 1535821622 firmware_revision = 91 uptime = 335608 rssi = -35
publishing to mqtt://mqtt/wf/status/hub
Adding the --raw option shows the data that would be published as well as the raw UDP data
pi@zero:~ $ python3 --mqtt --raw
raw data: {"hub_sn": "HB-00010412", "ob": [1535821559, 0.94, 272], "serial_number": "SK-00013695", "type": "rapid_wind"}
publishing to mqtt://mqtt/wf/rapid_wind
{"direction": 272, "speed": 0.94, "timestamp": 1535821559}
The listener defaults to publishing MQTT topics to a host named 'mqtt' on your local network. You may supersede this at runtime via the --broker <broker_hostname_or_ip_here>
option. See the usage instructions above for details.
Supporting multiple sensors means changing the published topic to something that permits the consumer to tell Sky-A apart from Sky-B, for example. This can be done by adding the -M
or --multi-mqtt
option to your command invocation. This changes the published topic to /sensors/<SERIAL_NUMBER>/<TOPIC>
In this example, note the -n
option has been added for illustrative purposes only:
# typical invocation for a one-Sky one-Air system
$ /usr/bin/python -m -n --limit "rapid_wind"
publishing to mqtt://mqtt/wf/rapid_wind
# add -M if you have a multi-Sky and/or multi-Air system
# note the different MQTT topic it publishes to
$ /usr/bin/python -m -n -M --limit "rapid_wind"
publishing to mqtt://mqtt/sensors/SK-00013695/wf/rapid_wind
While documenting mosquitto-mqtt, or any other MQTT client/broker, is out of scope for this document in the general sense, the following are some examples of how you might do so using mosquitto-mqtt assuming you have published topics to MQTT using the --mqtt option to this listener.
This gives an example of how to use the mosquitto_sub MQTT client to subscribe to a published topic. See the mosquito_sub man page for detailed usage of that client.
pi@zero$ mosquitto_sub -t "wf/obs/#" -h mqtt
{"firmware_revision": 20, "hub_sn": "HB-00010412", "obs": [[1535685379, 1006.8, 18.51, 76, 0, 0, 3.51, 1]], "serial_number": "AR-00013349", "type": "obs_air"}
{"firmware_revision": 43, "hub_sn": "HB-00010412", "obs": [[1535685389, 18, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.08, 2.06, 258, 3.45, 1, 0, null, 0, 3]], "serial_number": "SK-00013695", "type": "obs_sky"}
It is also possible to publish directly to a influxdb database
This will print to a remote host 'influxdb' using a specified port and database, and also enable the multisensor syntax for more searchable generic topic names in the database. This particular example requires no influxdb username/password, so those options have been omitted.
# this is typical usage for calling the program via /etc/rc.local or from a shell
# - it backgrounds the command, and stay alive after the calling shell exits
nohup python3 --influxdb --influxdb_host=influxdb --influxdb_port=8086 --influxdb_db=testdb -M &
Initially it might make sense to add the -n (no_pub) flag to see is being published, to aid in you writing queries or grafana dashboards versus your influxdb data. Remember, however, that the -n flag writes to stdout, so you'd want to run the command in the foreground.
# see with it 'would' publish, but do not actually publish anything
# (this will need two control-C to kill the process)
# you might want to also add -v to see the reporter and listener threads
python3 --influxdb --influxdb_host=influxdb --influxdb_port=8086 --influxdb_db=testdb -M -n