Quickly switches tmux sessions, windows and tmuxinator projects on rofi. Integrates with i3wm for a smoother switching workflow, if you have multiple workspaces.
I developed rft (rofi-tmux) to optimize my context-switching workflow. As a user who rely completely on tmux for anything shell related, I wanted to have a fuzzy finder switcher, to locate any tmux session or window with seamless integration with i3wm. I guess I've got spoiled by fuzzy finders. Watch the screencast bellow and you'll see what I mean :)
- Switch or kill any tmux session.
- Switch or kill any tmux window, either globally or within the current session.
- Switch to any tmuxinator project.
- Cache last tmux session and window for fast switching back and forth, decreases the number of keystrokes.
- Integration with i3wm for switching to the right workspace seamlessly.
- Extensible for other window managers.
pip3 install rofi-tmux --user -U
Check ReadTheDocs for detailed information, usage and suggested key bindings.
Contributions are more than welcome. Let me know if you want to add other features or integrations, or if you are having trouble to use rft, open an issue. Join the chat on gitter.im/rofi-tmux/community if you want to discuss ideas.