composer require vbdev/magento2-switch-customer-group
- The module offers a configuration in the admin, in Stores->Configuration->VBDEV->Switch Customer Group
- The module provides functionality to change customer groups based on three actions that can be chosen by the shopkeeper.
- The module also provides the possibility to change customer groups by customer id quickly.
- Unzip the zip file in
- Enable the module by running
bin/magento module:enable Vbdev_SwitchCustomerGroup
- Apply database updates by running
bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Flush the cache by running
bin/magento cache:flush
- Install the module composer by running
composer require vbdev/magento2-switch-customer-group
- enable the module by running
bin/magento module:enable Vbdev_SwitchCustomerGroup
- apply database updates by running
bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Flush the cache by running
bin/magento cache:flush