Simple tinderalike app for matching you with movies you would love.
I've tried to make this readme as short and concise as possible, trying not to duplicate create-react-app bootstrap readme. I suggest you to check these resources
For those who are familiar with development:
git clone
cd movies-clash
yarn install
yarn start
The only mandatory thing you must have installed on your local machine is node package manager. At this moment the two most popular are.
- Yarn (In this readme I'll be using yarn commands, but feel free to use npm equivalents if you wish)
Second, optional, but highly recommended thing is a git version control system
First you must download this repository to your local machine, either using git (recommended)
git clone
or as a ZIP package.
Next, make sure that you're in project directory and install dependencies by running this command
yarn install
or if you using npm
npm install
The app is ready, just run this command and enjoy!
yarn start
You can also run the app in docker by using this command (you must have docker and docker-compose installed on your machine)
docker-compose up
App has only very basic tests, but was thoroughly manually tested. You can run them by running this command:
yarn test
Beside being bootstrapped with Create React App, this app uses following dependencies:
- Axios - For HTTP requests.
- Styled-components - For styling components.
- Typescript - For extending js by adding types
- React-swipeable - For adding swipe functionalit
- Jest - For testing
- Jest Styled Components - Fixes issue with styled-components and testing.
- Eslint - For linting code.
- Prettier - For formating code
- Gh-pages - For deploying repository to github pages
Feel free to contribute to this project.
This app uses git versioning system
- Bartosz Chyra - Vin Kabuki
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.
- Here you will find the original readme file Create React App Readme.
- To learn React, check out the React documentation.