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SageWorld provides an easier way to use sageworld api using ruby.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sage_world', '~> 0.1.0'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sage_world


Run rails g sage_world:install to generate sage_world initializer file. This will generate config/initializer/sage_world_initializer.rb which contains the following code.

  SageWorld.config do |config|
      # Sage Account ID
      config.account_id = ENV['sage_api_account']
      # Sage Login
      config.login = ENV['sage_api_login']
      # Sage Password
      config.password = ENV['sage_api_password']
      # Sage Api Version
      config.version = ENV['sage_api_version']
      # Sage End Point
      config.end_point = ENV['sage_api_end_point']
      # Optional Logging
      config.log_data = true # logs request response to log/sage_world.log


SageWorld provides operations on following entities.

  • Category List - Available product categories.
  • Suppliers List - Available suppliers.
  • Supplier Details - Supplier details.
  • Products Search - Search product
  • Product Details - Product details
  • Product Theme List - Available Product themes

Category List

response = SageWorld::Api::CategoryList.get
# default result is sorted by name.
# Sorting Results

## Sort-By name
response = SageWorld::Api::CategoryList.get({ sort: "name"})

## Sort-By category number
response = SageWorld::Api::CategoryList.get({ sort: "catnum"})

Supplier List

response = SageWorld::Api::SupplierList.get
# default result is sorted by name.
# Sorting Results
# Supplier list can be sorted by sageid, company or line

## Sort-By sage_id
response = SageWorld::Api::SupplierList.get({ sort: "sageid" })

## Sort-By company
response = SageWorld::Api::SupplierList.get({ sort: "company" })

# Sort-By line
response = SageWorld::Api::SupplierList.get({ sort: "line" })

# AllLines => if set to 1 will return AllLines with every supplier
response = SageWorld::Api::SupplierList.get({ alllines: 1 })

Supplier Details

supplier =
response = supplier.details
response.body => { product_details: { ..} }

# Options

# ExtraReturnFields => specifies additional fields to be returned. If you would like to return the general information for a supplier, then include GENINFO in this field. Otherwise leave it blank.

supplier ="22")
e.g response = supplier.details({ extra_return_fields: "geninfo" })

Product Search

# Keyword for searching is mandatory.
response ="mug", { })
response.body #=> returns hash response.

# Searching Options
# Basic searching can be combined with multiple options available to narrow down the searching scope.
# Following are the options that can be used along with searching.

# Categories => string
    # by category name
    response ="Ceramic mug", { categories: "Mugs" })

    # by category number
    response ="Ceramic mug", { categories: "232" })

# Keywords => string
    # Every product has some product keywords. searching can be narrowed down using keywords
    response ="Ceramic mug", { categories: "Mugs", keywords: "Tshirt" })

# Themes => string
    # Every product has some product theme associated to it.
    response ="Ceramic mug", { categories: "Mugs", themes: "Household" })

# SPC => string
    # Search by SPC
    response ="Ceramic mug", { categories: "Mugs", themes: "Household", spc: "ISUP-SJKHS" })

  # ItemNum => string
   # Search by ItemNum
   response ="Ceramic mug", { categories: "Mugs", themes: "Household", item_num: "5000" })

  # ItemName => string
    # Search by ItemName
    response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug" })

  # PriceLow => currency
    # Search by Lowest Price in USD ( US dollars )
   response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", price_low: 2 })

  # PriceHigh => currency
    # Search by Highest Price in USD ( US dollars )
    response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", price_high: 2 })

  # Qty => integer
    # Search by Quantity
    response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", qty: 2 })

  # Verified => bool
    # whether product is verified
    response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", verified: true })

  # Recyclable => 0 or 1
    # whether product is recyclable
    response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", recyclable: 0 })

  # EnvFriendly => 0 or 1
    # whether product is Environment Friendly
    response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", env_friendly: 1 })

  # NewProduct => 0 or 1
    # whether product is a new product
    response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", new_product: 1 })

  # UnionShop => 0 or 1
    # whether product is a new product
    response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", union_shop: 1 })

  # ProdTime => integer
    # Minimumproduction timein working days or '0' forany
    response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", prod_time: 1 })

  # MadeIn => string
    # Countrymadein. Blankforall or two-digitcountrycode
    response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", made_in: "us" })

  # LineName => string
    # Specific Supplier'sLine Name
    response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", line_name: "Sunset Hill Stoneware" })

   # Blank: Indicates thatthe defaultsortwill be used (as specified in WebStore Settings)
   # PRICE: Pricesortingin lowestto highest order.
   # PRICEHIGHLOW: Pricesortingin highestto lowest order.
   # BESTMATCH: Sort bythe bestmatch based on thecriteria.
   # POPULARITY: Sorttheitems in terms of popularity, with most popular first.
   # PREFGROUP: Sort by preferencegroups.

   response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", sort: "PRICE" })

  # ExtraReturnFields => Comma separated fields name
   # Return additional fields in theresponsestring

   # Can be from the following :
     # "itemnum" - will return the product’s actual item number.
     # "category" - will return the productcategory name.
     # "description" - will return the description for the item.
     # "colors" - will return thecolor options for the item.
     # "themes" - will return the themes for the item.
     # "netprices" - will return theextended price information, including net pricing, published (catalog) pricing and published.
     # "suppid" - will return the supplier’s Sage.
     # "line" - will return the line name.
     # "company" - will return the company name of the supplier.
     # "prodtime" - will return the production timefor the item.

    e.g response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", extra_return_fields: "description, themes, prodtime" })

  # StartNum => integer && MaxRecs => integer
    # Record number to startwith (1=FIRST) &  MaxRecs => Maxrecords to return per page

    # The StartNumand MaxRecs fieldsare used to return asubset of thetotalsearch results. Thisallowsyou to implement“records
    # per page”functionality. Ifyou do notwish to usethesefields, leave both empty. However, ifyou do wantto usethis functionality,
    # the StartNumshould contain thestartingrecord number for this requestand the MaxRecs should contain the number of records
    # to return.Forexample, ifasearch returns110total productsand you would liketo displayrecords1-20,you would enter “1”for
    # StartNumand “20”for MaxRecs. Then, to showrecords21-40,enter “21”as the StartNumand “20”again for MaxRecs.

    response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", start_num: 1, max_recs: 20 })

  # MaxTotalItems => integer
    # Maxitems to find (<=1000)
    response ="Ceramic mug", { pr_name: "13 Ceramic Mug", max_total_items: 100 })

Product Details

    product ="Product_id_or_spc")
    response = product.details
    response.body # => returns hash having details of product.

Product Theme List

 # Get Product theme list.
response = SageWorld::Api::ProductThemeList.get # => return SageWorld::ResponseHandler object.
response.body #=> { .. }

Hash details finder

The api response is going to be hash which can be accessed directly via using hash[:key] or for every key that is defined there is a method defined on response object which makes it easier to get to nested field.

For Example:
response # =>
 Response: {
   "CategoryList": {
       "Category": ['category 1', 'category2']

response.category #=> ['category 1', 'category2']
response.category_list #=>
# {
#   "Category": ['category 1', 'category2']
#  }


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Ruby wrapper to use sageworld catalog api in ruby application.




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