vire (pronounced "vip-redis") is a multithread redis(based on redis-3.2.0) maintains in vipshop.
Please install automake, libtool, autoconf and bzip2 at first.
To build vire from source with debug logs enabled and assertions enabled:
$ git clone
$ cd vire
$ autoreconf -fvi
$ ./configure --enable-debug=full
$ make
$ src/vire -h
A quick checklist:
- Use newer version of gcc (older version of gcc has problems)
- Use CFLAGS="-O1" ./configure && make
- Use CFLAGS="-O3 -fno-strict-aliasing" ./configure && make
autoreconf -fvi && ./configure
to be installed
$ src/vire -c conf/vire.conf -o log -T 6 -d
- Multithread.
- Fast.
- Works with Linux, *BSD, OS X and SmartOS (Solaris)
Usage: vire [-?hVdt] [-v verbosity level] [-o output file]
[-c conf file] [-p pid file]
[-T worker threads number]
-h, --help : this help
-V, --version : show version and exit
-t, --test-conf : test configuration for syntax errors and exit
-d, --daemonize : run as a daemon
-v, --verbose=N : set logging level (default: 5, min: 0, max: 11)
-o, --output=S : set logging file (default: stderr)
-c, --conf-file=S : set configuration file (default: conf/vire.conf)
-p, --pid-file=S : set pid file (default: off)
-T, --thread_num=N : set the worker threads number (default: 6)
- ping
- quit
- echo
- select
- auth
- admin
- info
- flushall
- flushdb
- time
- dbsize
- command
- config
- client
- slowlog
- del
- exists
- ttl
- pttl
- expire
- expireat
- pexpire
- pexpireat
- persist
- randomkey
- type
- keys
- scan
- object
- get
- set
- setnx
- setex
- psetex
- incr
- decr
- incrby
- decrby
- append
- strlen
- getset
- incrbyfloat
- setbit
- getbit
- setrange
- getrange
- bitcount
- bitpos
- mget
- mset
- hset
- hget
- hlen
- hdel
- hexists
- hkeys
- hvals
- hgetall
- hincrby
- hincrbyfloat
- hmget
- hmset
- hsetnx
- hstrlen
- hscan
- rpush
- lpush
- lrange
- rpop
- lpop
- llen
- lrem
- ltrim
- lindex
- lset
- sadd
- smembers
- scard
- srem
- spop
- sismember
- sscan
- sunion
- sunionstore
- sdiff
- sdiffstore
- sinter
- sinterstore
- zadd
- zincrby
- zrange
- zrevrange
- zrem
- zcard
- zcount
- zrangebyscore
- zrevrangebyscore
- zrank
- zrevrank
- zscore
- zremrangebyscore
- zremrangebyrank
- zremrangebylex
- zscan
- pfadd
- pfcount
Copyright © 2016 VIPSHOP Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: