I'm Vipul Gote a BE (ENTC) student and an AI enthusiast from Pune, India 🇮🇳
I am a Linkedin Content Creater , Machine Learning enthusiast , Pythonista and Open Source Contributor!
🌱 I’m currently exploring: Machine Learning and Deep learning.
🔭 I’m currently working on : BigData and AIML at Tech Mahindra.
💬 Ask me about: Python , AI/ML, Bigdata ,Cosmos , Physics and Animes Series.
⚡ Fun fact: Training a single AI model on a powerful GPU cluster can consume the same amount of electricity as a small town in a year!
📄 Resume : Download Here
Python | Sklearn | Shell Scripting | PySpark | PowerBI |
LLM | VectorDB | LLM Agents | RAG | LLMOps |
keras | HDFS | SQL | Flask/FastAPI | Numpy |
Pandas | AWS | Tensorflow | OpenCV | Apache Kafka |
Docker | Jenkins | Apache Airflow | AIops |