All in one Event Management Solution which covers the aspects of event management such as Task Management, Team Management & Promotion made using Django, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Postgressql.
Event Head can create their events, teams and he/she can even assign descriptive tasks to every individual team member within just a few clicks.
EventVIP has sections for coordinators also where they will get their tasks after completion of tasks they can update the status which will be notified to the heads.
The EventVIP also gives the option of promotion; from promotion tab your event will be seen by other individuals on the platform.
EventVIP is built to bring the efficiency in the workflow of the events.
Being the first page of the app it tells you about the features of webapp and it also includes the way to signup or login into the webapp
This is the most important webpage for the Event Head from here he can get glimpse of team’s members and task completed. This webpage connects to the other features of this webapp. This also includes calculator for convenient calculations
This section gives the functionalities such as event creation, event information updation etc.
Here you can view all your teams and their works and descriptions and this also gives you the option to edit the particular team’s description.
Here you can add your coordinators/members to your team with their skills and preferences so that you can assign tasks to them by their username.
Here you can assign tasks to coodrinatores with the information about the tasks, deadlines.
Here you can check the status of the tasks which are assigned to the coordinators
Here your events will be listed with other events in the city and this will be visible to all the individuals which includes your event information and a button which directly takes user to your official website
Here the coordinators can see their tasks and update the event head about the completion of the task.
As the task is completed it will be displayed as done on Event Head’s Dashboard and he willknow about the completion status of the task