A MERN stack webapp using Socket.io for real time messaging with user authentication and group messaging feature. Stack: MongoDB, Express, React, Node, Chakra UI, Socket.io
Secure Authentication by using the JSON Web Token (JWT).
Group Chat feature which helps people to connect. Group Features such as Admin, Add/Remove users, Leave Group.
User Friendly and Mobile Friendly UI which makes the webapp easy to use & accessible from any device.
Chat with anyone with the help of their email-id.
- Signup & Login is secured with the JWT tokens to provide the proper authetication feature to the webapp
- Search Users according to Email or name to start conversation with them
- Responsive Chat Window so that you can chat from any device. This window consists of all your recent chats.
- Mobile view
- Chatbox for single chats with the indication of chatting when the other user is typing & notifications.
- Create Group by seraching their name or email-id in the search bar