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Virtusize Android Integration


For Jetpack Compose users, refer to

Virtusize helps retailers to illustrate the size and fit of clothing, shoes and bags online, by letting customers compare the measurements of an item they want to buy (on a retailer's product page) with an item that they already own (a reference item). This is done by comparing the silhouettes of the retailer's product with the silhouette of the customer's reference Item. Virtusize is a widget which opens when clicking on the Virtusize button, which is located next to the size selection on the product page.

Read more about Virtusize at

You need a unique API key and an Admin account, only available to Virtusize customers. Contact our sales team to become a customer.

This is the integration script for native Android apps only. For web integration, refer to the developer documentation on For iOS integration, refer to

Table of Contents


  • minSdkVersion >= 21
  • compileSdkVersion >= 34
  • Setup in AppCompatActivity

Getting Started

If you'd like to continue using the old Version 1.x.x, refer to the branch v1.

1. Installation

In your app build.gradle file, add the following dependencies:

  • Groovy (build.gradle)

    dependencies {
      implementation ''
  • Kotlin (build.gradle.kts)

    dependencies {

2. Proguard Rules

If you are using Proguard, add following rules to your proguard rules file:

-keep class**


1. Initialize Virtusize

Initialize the Virtusize object in your Application class's onCreate method using the * VirtusizeBuilder* to set up the configuration. Possible configuration methods are shown in the following table:


Method Argument Type Example Description Requirement
setApiKey String setApiKey("api_key") A unique API key is provided to each Virtusize client. Yes
setUserId String setUserId("123") Passed from the client if the user is logged into the client's app. Yes, if the Order API is used.
setEnv VirtusizeEnvironment setEnv(VirtusizeEnvironment.STAGING) The environment is the region you are running the integration from, either VirtusizeEnvironment.STAGING, VirtusizeEnvironment.GLOBAL, VirtusizeEnvironment.JAPAN or VirtusizeEnvironment.KOREA. No. By default, the Virtusize environment will be set to VirtusizeEnvironment.GLOBAL.
setLanguage VirtusizeLanguage setLanguage(VirtusizeLanguage.EN) Sets the initial language that the integration will load in. The possible values are VirtusizeLanguage.EN, VirtusizeLanguage.JP and VirtusizeLanguage.KR No. By default, the initial language will be set based on the Virtusize environment.
setShowSGI Boolean setShowSGI(true) Determines whether the integration will fetch SGI and use SGI flow for users to add user generated items to their wardrobe. No. By default, ShowSGI is set to false
setAllowedLanguages A list of VirtusizeLanguage In Kotlin, setAllowedLanguages(mutableListOf(VirtusizeLanguage.EN, VirtusizeLanguage.JP))
In Java, setAllowedLanguages(Arrays.asList(VirtusizeLanguage.EN, VirtusizeLanguage.JP))
The languages which the user can switch to using the Language Selector No. By default, the integration allows all possible languages to be displayed, including English, Japanese and Korean.
setDetailsPanelCards A list of VirtusizeInfoCategory In Kotlin, setDetailsPanelCards(mutableListOf(VirtusizeInfoCategory.BRAND_SIZING, VirtusizeInfoCategory.GENERAL_FIT))
In Java, setDetailsPanelCards(Arrays.asList(VirtusizeInfoCategory.BRAND_SIZING, VirtusizeInfoCategory.GENERAL_FIT))
The info categories which will be display in the Product Details tab. Possible categories are: VirtusizeInfoCategory.MODEL_INFO, VirtusizeInfoCategory.GENERAL_FIT, VirtusizeInfoCategory.BRAND_SIZING and VirtusizeInfoCategory.MATERIAL No. By default, the integration displays all the possible info categories in the Product Details tab.
setShowSNSButtons Boolean setShowSNSButtons(true) Determines whether the integration will show the SNS buttons to the users No. By default, the integration disables the SNS buttons
  • Kotlin

    override fun onCreate() {
        // Initialize Virtusize instance for your application
        // Only the API key is required
        // For using the Order API, a user ID is required
        // By default, the Virtusize environment will be set to GLOBAL
        // By default, the initial language will be set based on the Virtusize environment
        // By default, ShowSGI is false
        // By default, Virtusize allows all the possible languages
        .setAllowedLanguages(listOf(VirtusizeLanguage.EN, VirtusizeLanguage.JP))
        // By default, Virtusize displays all the possible info categories in the Product Details tab
        .setDetailsPanelCards(setOf(VirtusizeInfoCategory.BRAND_SIZING, VirtusizeInfoCategory.GENERAL_FIT))
        // By default, Virtusize disables the SNS buttons
  • Java

    Virtusize virtusize;
    public void onCreate() {
        // Initialize Virtusize instance for your application
        virtusize = new VirtusizeBuilder().init(this)
          // Only the API key is required
          // For using the Order API, a user ID is required
          // By default, the Virtusize environment will be set to GLOBAL
          // By default, the initial language will be set based on the Virtusize environment
          // By default, ShowSGI is false
          // By default, Virtusize allows all the possible languages
          .setAllowedLanguages(Arrays.asList(VirtusizeLanguage.EN, VirtusizeLanguage.JP))
          // By default, Virtusize displays all the possible info categories in the Product Details tab
          .setDetailsPanelCards(Set.of(VirtusizeInfoCategory.BRAND_SIZING, VirtusizeInfoCategory.GENERAL_FIT))
          // By default, Virtusize disables the SNS buttons

2. Load Product with Virtusize SDK

  1. Inside your activity,

    • Create a VirtusizeProduct object with:
  • An exernalId that will be used to reference the product in the Virtusize server
    • An imageURL for the product image
  • Pass the VirtusizeProduct object to the Virtusize#load function


val product = VirtusizeProduct(
 // Set the product's external ID
 externalId = "vs_dress",
 // Set the product image URL
 imageUrl = ""



VirtusizeProduct product = new VirtusizeProduct(


3. Enable SNS authentication

The SNS authentication flow requires opening a Chrome Custom Tab, which will load a web page for the user to login with their SNS account. A custom URL scheme must be defined to return the login response to your app from a Chrome Custom Tab.

Edit your AndroidManifest.xml file to include an intent filter and a <data> tag for the custom URL scheme.

<manifest xmlns:android=""

    <activity android:name=""
        android:launchMode="singleTask" android:exported="true">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

            <data android:host="sns-auth" android:scheme="com.your-company.your-app.virtusize" />



  1. The URL host has to be sns-auth
  2. The URL scheme must begin with your app's package ID (com.your-company.your-app) and end with .virtusize, and the scheme which you define must use all lowercase letters.

4. Register Virtusize Message Handler (Optional)

Please do not forget to unregister message handler in activity or fragment's lifecycle method before it dies or is removed. See the next section for a how-to.

  • Kotlin

    private val activityMessageHandler = object : VirtusizeMessageHandler {
        override fun onEvent(product: VirtusizeProduct, event: VirtusizeEvent) {
        override fun onError(error: VirtusizeError) {
            Log.e(TAG, error.message)
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // Register message handler to listen to events from Virtusize
  • Java

    VirtusizeMessageHandler virtusizeMessageHandler;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        App app = (App) getApplication();
        virtusizeMessageHandler = new VirtusizeMessageHandler() {
            public void onEvent(@NotNull VirtusizeProduct product, @NotNull VirtusizeEvent event) {
                Log.i(TAG, event.getName());
            public void onError(@NonNull VirtusizeError error) {
                Log.e(TAG, error.getMessage());

5. Unregister Virtusize Message Handler (Optional)

A message handler is tied to an activity or fragment's lifecycle, but the Virtusize library object is tied to the application's lifecycle. So if you forget to unregister message handler, then it will keep listening to events even after activity is dead or fragment has been removed. In the case of an activity; depending on where in the lifecycle you registered the message handler, you may need to unregister it in your onPause or onStop method before the super method is called. Follow the same guidelines in the case of fragment as well.

  • Kotlin

    private val activityMessageHandler: VirtusizeMessageHandler
    override fun onPause() {
        // Always unregister message handler in onPause() or depending on implementation onStop().
  • Java

    VirtusizeMessageHandler virtusizeMessageHandler;
    protected void onPause() {

Virtusize Views

After setting up the SDK, add a VirtusizeView to allow your customers to find their ideal size.

Virtusize SDK provides two main UI components for clients to use:

1. Virtusize Button

(1) Introduction

VirtusizeButton is the simplest UI Button for our SDK. It opens our application in the web view to support customers finding the right size.

(2) Default Styles

There are two default styles of the Virtusize Button in our Virtusize SDK.

Teal Theme Black Theme

If you like, you can also customize the button style.

(3) Usage

A. Add a VirtusizeButton in your activity's XML layout file.

In order to use our default button styles, set app:virtusizeButtonStyle="virtusize_black" or app:virtusizeButtonStyle="virtusize_teal" in XML:

  • XML

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

or programmatically:

  • Kotlin

    exampleVirtusizeButton.virtusizeViewStyle = VirtusizeViewStyle.BLACK
  • Java


B. You can also use any other button styles and/or define the button's attributes like text, height, width, etc.

< android:id="@+id/exampleVirtusizeButton"
    style="@style/Widget.AppCompat.Button.Colored" android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/virtusize_button_text" />

C. Connect the Virtusize button, along with the VirtusizeProduct **object (which you have passed to ** Virtusize#load) **into the Virtusize API by using the ** Virtusize#setupVirtusizeView function in your activity.

  • Kotlin

    Virtusize.getInstance().setupVirtusizeView(exampleVirtusizeButton, product)
  • Java

    app.virtusize.setupVirtusizeView(virtusizeButton, product);

2. Virtusize InPage

(1) Introduction

Virtusize InPage is a button that behaves like a start button for our service. The button also behaves as a fitting guide that supports people to find the right size.

InPage types

There are two types of InPage in our Virtusize SDK.

InPage Standard InPage Mini
InPageStandard InPageMini


  1. InPage cannot be implemented together with the Virtusize button. Please pick either InPage or Virtusize button for your online shop.
  2. InPage Mini must always be used in combination with InPage Standard.

(2) InPage Standard

A. Usage
  • Add a VirtusizeInPageStand in your activity's XML layout file.

    1. In order to use our default styles, set app:virtusizeInPageStandardStyle="virtusize_black" or app:virtusizeInPageStandardStyle="virtusize_teal"

    2. If you'd like to change the background color of the CTA button, you can use app:inPageStandardButtonBackgroundColor="#123456"

    3. If you'd like to set the horizontal margins between the edges of the app screen and the InPageStandard, you can use app:inPageStandardHorizontalMargin="16dp"

    4. If you'd like to change the font sizes of the InPageStandard, you can use app:inPageStandardMessageTextSize="10sp" and app:inPageStandardButtonTextSize="10sp".

    • XML

          android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
          android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

      or programmatically:

    • Kotlin

      // Set the Virtusize view style
      exampleVirtusizeInPageStandard.virtusizeViewStyle = VirtusizeViewStyle.TEAL
      // Set the horizontal margins between the edges of the app screen and the InPageStandard
      // Note: Use the helper extension function `dpInPx` if you like
      exampleVirtusizeInPageStandard.horizontalMargin = 16.dpInPx
      // Set the background color of the check size button in InPage Standard
      exampleVirtusizeInPageStandard.setButtonBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.your_custom_color))
      // Set the text sizes of the InPage message and the check size button
      exampleVirtusizeInPageStandard.messageTextSize = 10f.spToPx
      exampleVirtusizeInPageStandard.buttonTextSize = 10f.spToPx
    • Java

      virtusizeInPageStandard.setButtonBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.your_custom_color));
  • Connect the InPage Standard, along with the VirtusizeProduct *object (which you have passed to ** Virtusize#load) into the Virtusize API by using the Virtusize#setupVirtusizeView * function in your activity.

    • Kotlin

      Virtusize.getInstance().setupVirtusizeView(exampleVirtusizeInPageStandard, product)
    • Java

      app.virtusize.setupVirtusizeView(virtusizeInPageStandard, product);
B. Design Guidelines
  • Default Designs

    There are two default design variations.

    Teal Theme Black Theme
    InPageStandardTeal InPageStandardBlack
  • Layout Variations

    Here are some possible layouts

    1 thumbnail + 2 lines of message 2 thumbnails + 2 lines of message
    1 thumbnail + 2 lines of message 2 thumbnails + 2 lines of message
    1 thumbnail + 1 line of message 2 animated thumbnails + 2 lines of message
    1 thumbnail + 1 line of message 2 animated thumbnails + 2 lines of message
  • Recommended Placement
    • Near the size table

    • In the size info section

  • UI customization
    • You can:

      • change the background color of the CTA button as long as it passes * *WebAIM contrast test**.
      • change the width of InPage so it fits your application width.
    • You cannot:

      • change interface components such as shapes and spacing.
      • change the font.
      • change the CTA button shape.
      • change messages.
      • change or hide the box shadow.
      • hide the footer that contains VIRTUSIZE logo and Privacy Policy text link.

(3) InPage Mini

This is a mini version of InPage you can place in your application. The discreet design is suitable for layouts where customers are browsing product images and size tables.

A. Usage
  • Add a VirtusizeInPageMini in your activity's XML layout file.

    1. In order to use our default styles, set app:virtusizeInPageMiniStyle="virtusize_black" or app:virtusizeInPageMiniStyle="virtusize_teal"

    2. If you'd like to change the background color of the bar, you can use app:inPageMiniBackgroundColor="#123456"

    3. If you'd like to change the font sizes, you can use app:inPageMiniMessageTextSize="12sp" and app:inPageMiniButtonTextSize="10sp".

    • XML

          android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
          android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

      or programmatically:

    • Kotlin

      // Set the Virtusize view style
      exampleVirtusizeInPageMini.virtusizeViewStyle = VirtusizeViewStyle.BLACK
      // Set the background color of the InPageMini view
      exampleVirtusizeInPageMini.setInPageMiniBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.your_custom_color))
      // Set the text sizes of the InPage message and the check size button
      exampleVirtusizeInPageMini.messageTextSize = 12f.spToPx
      exampleVirtusizeInPageMini.buttonTextSize = 10f.spToPx
    • Java

      virtusizeInPageMini.setInPageMiniBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.your_custom_color));
  • Connect the InPage Mini, along with the VirtusizeProduct *object (which you have passed to ** Virtusize#load) into the Virtusize API by using the Virtusize#setupVirtusizeView * function in your activity.

    • Kotlin

      Virtusize.getInstance().setupVirtusizeView(exampleVirtusizeInPageMini, product)
    • Java

      app.virtusize.setupVirtusizeView(virtusizeInPageMini, product);
B. Design Guidelines
  • Default designs

    There are two default design variations.

    Teal Theme Black Theme
    InPageMiniTeal InPageMiniBlack
  • Recommended Placements
    Underneath the product image Underneath or near the size table
  • Default Fonts
    • Japanese
      • Noto Sans CJK JP
      • 12sp (Message)
      • 10sp (Button)
    • Korean
      • Noto Sans CJK KR
      • 12sp (Message)
      • 10sp (Button)
    • English
      • Roboto
      • 14sp (Message)
      • 12sp (Button)
  • UI customization
    • You can:
    • You cannot:
      • change the font.
      • change the CTA button shape.
      • change messages.

The Order API

The order API enables Virtusize to show your customers the items they have recently purchased as part of their Purchase History, and to use those items to compare with new items they want to buy.

1. Initialization

Make sure to set up the user ID before sending orders to Virtusize. You can set up the user ID either:

in your Application class's onCreate method before the app is launched


in your activity or fragment after the app is launched

  • Kotlin

    // In your Application class's `onCreate` method before the app is launched
    override fun onCreate() {
    // In your activity or fragment after the app is launched
  • Java

    // In your Application class's `onCreate` method before the app is launched 
    Virtusize virtusize;
    public void onCreate() {
    virtusize = new VirtusizeBuilder()
    // In your activity or fragment after the app is launched
    app = (App) getApplication();

2. Create a VirtusizeOrder object for order data

The VirtusizeOrder object gets passed to the Virtusize#sendOrder method, and has the following attributes:

Note: * means the attribute is required


Attribute Data Type Example Description
externalOrderId* String "20200601586" The order ID provided by the client
items* A list of VirtusizeOrderItem objects See the table below A list of the order items.


Attribute Data Type Example Description
productId* String "A001" The external product ID provided by the client. It must be unique for each product.
size* String "S", "M", etc. The name of the size
sizeAlias String "Small", "Large", etc. The alias of the size is added if the size name is not identical from the product page
variantId String "A001_SIZES_RED" An ID that is set on the product SKU, color, or size if there are several options for the item
imageUrl* String "" The image URL of the item
color String "RED", "R', etc. The color of the item
gender String "W", "Women", etc. An identifier for the gender
unitPrice* Double 5100.00 The product price that is a double number with a maximum of 12 digits and 2 decimals (12, 2)
currency* String "JPY", "KRW", "USD", etc. Currency code
quantity* Int 1 The number of items purchased. If it's not passed, It will be set to 1
url String "" The URL of the product page. Please make sure this is a URL that users can access


  • Kotlin

    val order = VirtusizeOrder("20200601586")
    order.items = mutableListOf(
  • Java

    VirtusizeOrder order = new VirtusizeOrder("20200601586");
    ArrayList<VirtusizeOrderItem> items = new ArrayList<>();
        new VirtusizeOrderItem(

3. Send an Order

Call the Virtusize#sendOrder method in your activity or fragment when the user places an order.

  • Kotlin

    The onSuccess and onError callbacks are optional.

        // This success callback is optional and gets called when the app successfully sends the order
        onSuccess = {
            Log.i(TAG, "Successfully sent the order")
        // This error callback is optional and gets called when an error occurs when the app is sending the order
        onError = { error ->
            Log.e(TAG, error.message)
  • Java

    The SuccessResponseHandler and ErrorResponseHandler callbacks are optional.

        // This success callback is optional and gets called when the app successfully sends the order
        new SuccessResponseHandler() {
            public void onSuccess(@Nullable Object data) {
                Log.i(TAG, "Successfully sent the order");
        // This error callback is optional and gets called when an error occurs when the app is sending the order
        new ErrorResponseHandler() {
            public void onError(@NotNull VirtusizeError error) {
                Log.e(TAG, error.getMessage());

Enable SNS Login in Virtusize for native WebView apps

Use the Virtusize Auth SDK


  1. Kotlin example
  2. Java example



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./gradlew ktlint
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Ensure to setup the pre-push git hooks after cloning the repo.
Git hook will run ktlint and tests on every push automatically.

./gradlew installGitHooks


Copyright (c) 2018-24 Virtusize CO LTD (