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Dockerized APEX Workshop OCI Resources Setup

Erik Espinoza edited this page Apr 12, 2018 · 2 revisions

Dockerized APEX Workshop | OCI Resources Setup

1. Launch OCI Compute Instance (Virtual Machine)

  1. Open in your browser the OCI Console.

  2. On the top navigation go to Compute > Instances.

  3. Select from the left sidebar under the Compartment drop down select the desired compartment where the Compute Instance will be launch.

  4. Click on the button Create Instance.

  5. On the dialog change the name of your instance to anything of your preference.

  6. Change the attribute Image Operating System to Canonical Ubuntu 16.04.

  7. On the sub-section SSH Keys provide the public ssh key of your PC.

    • MacOS / Linux : Provide the contents of your file.
    • Windows: Provide the contents of the generated public key with programs like Putty.

    This is very important since this will allow you to connect to the Virtual Machine via ssh.

  8. Click on button Create Instance.

Once the Compute Instance (Virtual Machine) shows Running status you are ready to connect to it.

2. Open Ports 8080 and 1521 for your Compute Instance (Virtual Machine).

  1. Open in your browser the OCI Console.
  2. On the top navigation go to Networking > Virtual Cloud Networks.
  3. Select from the left sidebar under the Compartment drop down select the desired compartment where the created Compute Instance was launch.
  4. Click on the VCN name link.
  5. On the left sidebar under the Resources section select the option Security Lists.
  6. Once the list of Security Lists has been loaded in the center area click on the security list name link.
  7. Once the Security List details have been loaded click on button Edit All Rules.
  8. Once the dialog to edit the security list rules locate the section Allow Rules for Ingress and at the end of it click on button +Add Rule.
  9. A new rule element will be append.
  10. To allow all external traffic into port 8080, to connect to APEX running through ORDS do the following steps:
  • Change attribute Source CIDR to
  • Change attribute Destination Port Range to 8080.
  1. To allow all external traffic into port 1521 to connect to the Oracle Database do the following steps:
  • Change attribute Source CIDR to
  • Change attribute Destination Port Range to 1521.
  1. Click on button Save Security List Rules.

3. Connect to Compute Instance (Virtual Machine)

MacOS or Linux

  1. Connect via ssh.

    $ ssh ubuntu@<Virtual Machine IP>


Use the ssh client of your preference, Putty, MobaXterm, etc.

  1. Connect via ssh.

    ssh ubuntu@<Virtual Machine IP>

You are all set!!