Iced-Latte (Backend) is a REST API that performs the operations of an coffee online shop. Built using Spring Boot and PostgreSQL, it's crafted for educational purposes, offering insights into modern application development with Java.
- Prerequisites
- Tech Stack
- Quick Start
- Features
- API Documentation
- Contributing
- Code of Conduct
- License
- Acknowledgments
- Contact
- Spring Framework: Web, Boot, Data, Security, Actuator.
- Security: JWT, TLS.
- Database: PostgreSQL.
- Containerization: Docker.
- Monitoring: Prometheus, Grafana
- Logging: Log4j2.
Follow the setup instructions in START.MD to get the project up and running.
- User Authentication and Authorization
- Product Catalog Management
- Order Processing and Tracking
- Stripe Payment Integration
- Real-time Data Monitoring
The API is fully documented with Swagger. Access the documentation at http://localhost:8083/swagger-ui.html
once the server is running.
Interested in contributing? Read our Contributing Guide for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.
Please read our Code of Conduct to keep our community approachable and respectable.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to open an issue or contact us directly.
Address some common questions users might have about your project.
Question: How do I set up the project? Answer: Follow the instructions in START.MD.
Question: Where can I find API documentation? Answer: The API documentation is available at
Join our community! Link to forums, chat, or community pages if available.