The application processes GPS node trace data using the Scarlet websocket client, deserializes it using Gson and writes the data to a local Room database for further data rendering based on Jetpack Compose and MapBox SDK built-in capabilities. On the other side, the Node.js backend generates sample data using the turf.js library. For each node, the route, direction and speed are generated at runtime.
Some considerations:
- The application processes 10 thousand websocket messages and then renders efficiently. The websocket message format is a string, but it is better to implement a binary message format. These nodes are dynamic moving, which is CPU and GPU-intensive to render and process highly frequently updated node movements. (However, there is a slight stuttering in UI rendering frames due to MapBox rendering on the native C++ side). All buffers have been disabled in the MapBox configuration.
- At each layer of the architecture: db entity, external and network models have mappers for each other. Used object pool design pattern to avoid intensive allocation/deallocation of objects.
Nothing special :)
- Kotlin Channels & Flows APIs
- (experimental) Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format reflectionless serialization
- Jetpack Compose with Material3 design
- Websocket Client
- MapBox SDK for Android
- Mapbox Maps Compose Extension
- Scarlet: A Retrofit inspired WebSocket client
- Room database
- OkHttp
- Koin: Kotlin & Kotlin Multiplatform DI framework
- Supports websocket connections in background
- Stores trace nodes to in-memory Room database
- Reactive rendering GeoJSON features from in-memory GeoJSON source. A GeoJSON source is a collection of one or more geographic features, which may be points, lines and so on.
- Data-driven map layer styling. Mapbox’s data-driven styling features allow to use attributes in the data to style maps. The app can style map features automatically based on their individual attributes.
- Allocates memory for processing node traces at runtime using Pool Object manager
- The single source of truth principle: its database layer*
- Kotlin Coroutines and channels, flows as communication between arch layers: websocket/database data sources <-> repository layer <-> data layer <-> reactive UI layer
- The data and business layer expose suspend functions and Flows
- A model per layer: ViewModels include data layer models, repositories map DAO models to simpler data classes, a remote data source maps the model that it receives through the network to a simpler class
- ViewModels at screen level
- A single-activity application
- Follows Unidirectional Data Flow (UDF) principles
- The data layer exposes application data using a repository
- Android modules are configured Gradle modules with applied
plugin - JVM modules are configured Gradle modules with applied
init: {
'theme': 'base',
'themeVariables': {"primaryTextColor":"#fff","primaryColor":"#6A00FF","primaryBorderColor":"#6A00FF","lineColor":"#f5a623","tertiaryColor":"#40375c","fontSize":"11px"}
graph LR
subgraph :core
:common[":common / jvm module"]
:data[":data / jvm module"]
:designsystem[":designsystem / android module"]
:domain[":domain / jvm module"]
:model[":model / jvm module"]
:di[":di / jvm module"]
:ui[":ui / android module"]
subgraph :database
subgraph :api[":api / jvm module"]
subgraph :network
subgraph :webscoket:imp
:ktor[":ktor / jvm module"]
:scarlet[":scarlet / android module"]
subgraph :websocket:api[":websocket:api / jvm module"]
subgraph :datasource:api[":datasource:api / jvm module"]
subgraph :database
subgraph :database:iml
:room[":room / android module"]
subgraph :runtime
:logging[":logging / jvm module"]
:metrics[":metrics / jvm module"]
:configuration[":configuration / jvm module"]
subgraph :feature
:map[":map / android module"]
:map --> :domain
:map --> :data
:map --> :designsystem
:data --> :websocket:api
:data --> :datasource:api
:data --> :database --> :api
:domain --> :data
:datasource:api --> :database --> :api
:datasource:api --> :websocket:api
:compose-app[":compose-app / android application"] --> :di
:compose-app --> :domain
:compose-app --> :configuration
:compose-app --> :room
:room --> :api
:room --> :datasource:api
:ktor --> :websocket:api
:ktor --> :datasource:api
:scarlet --> :websocket:api
:scarlet --> :datasource:api
:ktor-server-app[":ktor-server-app / jvm module"] --> :websocket:api
If your dev environment is emulator:
- Change your local IPv4 address under res/xml/network_security.xml. For example,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
<domain includeSubdomains="true">YOUR_IP_ADDRESS</domain>
- Change
network configuration in - Run 'Netty server' IDE configuration
2024-02-21 17:00:53.181 [main] INFO ktor.application - Autoreload is disabled because the development mode is off.
2024-02-21 17:00:53.338 [main] DEBUG i.a.playground.modules.logger - Test binary message for NetworkClientTime: 08d6a3bce1dc31
2024-02-21 17:00:53.339 [main] INFO ktor.application - Application started in 0.176 seconds.
2024-02-21 17:00:53.339 [main] INFO ktor.application - Application started: io.ktor.server.application.Application@ceb4bd2
2024-02-21 17:00:53.405 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-1] INFO ktor.application - Responding at
To be a part of ... you know :)