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Vite Passport

Available on the Chrome Web Store

How to run for development

  1. npm install
  2. go to brave://extensions/ or chrome://extensions/
  3. turn on dev mode
  4. npm run dev which generates a dist folder
  5. drag the dist folder into extensions tabs or select it in "Load unpacked"

How to build for production

  • npm run build which generates minified dist folder

How to integrate Vite Passport in a frontend

TypeScript Definitions

If you are using TypeScript, define vitePassport globally. For example:

type Network = {
	name: string;
	rpcUrl: string;
	explorerUrl?: string;

type injectedScriptEvents = 'accountChange' | 'networkChange';
type VitePassport = {
	// These methods are relayed from contentScript.ts => injectedScript.ts
	getConnectedAddress: () => Promise<undefined | string>;
	disconnectWallet: () => Promise<undefined>;
	getNetwork: () => Promise<Network>;

	// These methods are relayed from contentScript.ts => background.ts => popup => contentScript.ts => injectedScript.ts
	connectWallet: () => Promise<{ domain: string }>;
	writeAccountBlock: (type: string, params: object) => Promise<{ block: AccountBlockBlock }>;

	// `on` subscribes to `event` and returns an unsubscribe function
	on: (
		event: injectedScriptEvents,
		callback: (payload: { activeAddress?: string; activeNetwork: Network }) => void
	) => () => void;
declare global {
	interface Window {
		vitePassport?: VitePassport;

Checking for a Connected Wallet

When your frontend loads, check if Vite Passport (VP) is installed. If it is, check the connected VP wallet address and network use the getConnectedAddress and getNetwork methods. For example:

if (window?.vitePassport) {
	vpAddress = await window.vitePassport.getConnectedAddress();
	if (vpAddress) {
		const activeNetwork = await window.vitePassport.getNetwork();
		activeNetworkIndex = networkList.findIndex((n) => n.rpcUrl === activeNetwork.rpcUrl);


If there is no connected VP address, but VP is installed, prompt the user to connect their wallet by calling the connectWallet method. For example:

async () => {
	if (window?.vitePassport) {
		try {
			await window.vitePassport.connectWallet();
			const activeNetwork = await window.vitePassport.getNetwork();
				activeNetworkIndex: networkList.findIndex(
					(n) => n.rpcUrl === activeNetwork.rpcUrl
		} catch (error) {
			setState({ toast: error });
	} else {
		setState({ toast: i18n.vitePassportNotDetected });

Subscribing to Events

Once a user's VP wallet is connected, you can listen for when they change accounts or networks using the on method and 'accountChange'/'networkChange' event names. The on method returns its corresponding unsubscribe function which should be called when the subscription is no longer needed to avoid memory leaks. For example:

useEffect(() => {
	let unsubscribe = () => {};
	if (window?.vitePassport && vpAddress && vpAddress === activeAddress) {
		unsubscribe = window.vitePassport.on('networkChange', (payload) => {
			let activeNetworkIndex = networkList.findIndex(
				(n) => n.rpcUrl === payload.activeNetwork.rpcUrl
			if (activeNetworkIndex === -1) {
				setState({ toast: i18n.vitePassportNetworkDoesNotMatchDappNetworkUrl });
				activeNetworkIndex = 0;
			setState({ activeNetworkIndex });
	return unsubscribe;
}, [setState, vpAddress, activeAddress, i18n]);

useEffect(() => {
	let unsubscribe = () => {};
	if (window?.vitePassport) {
		unsubscribe = window.vitePassport.on('accountChange', (payload) => {
			setState({ vpAddress: payload.activeAddress });
	return unsubscribe;
}, [setState]);

Note: When a user connects their VP wallet, the 'accountChange' event is triggered but not the networkChange event.

Signing Blocks

Sign and send transactions to the VP wallet's active network with the writeAccountBlock method. It has the same parameters as vite.js' accountBlock.createAccountBlock method. What it returns is a Promise that resolves with the sanitized block that was sent (i.e. has had its private keys removed). For example:

const blockParams = {
	address: activeAddress,
	abi: methodAbi,
if (vpAddress === activeAddress && window?.vitePassport) {
	return window.vitePassport.writeAccountBlock('callContract', blockParams);


To disconnect the VP wallet, simply call the disconnectWallet method. For example:

if (vpAddress && window?.vitePassport) {
	setState({ vpAddress: undefined });