With this simple and elegant benchmark, you can create multiple tests with multiple callbacks at once and output tests
in real time. Unit tests have passed on versions: 8.2
and 8.3
composer require vitorsreis/extend-benchmark
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use VSR\Extend\Benchmark;
// 1. Benchmark agent
$agent = new Benchmark(
'My benchmark tests',
// [optional] 'My Comment',
// [optional] Printer, if not informed, will be used the default printers ( Printer/Console | Printer/Html )
// 2. Create benchmarks
$benchmark1 = $agent
'My Benchmark 1',
// [optional] 'Test 1 Comment',
// [optional] <iterations>, force number of interactions for this test
// 3. Add tests
'Test 1',
[ 'return' => 'RESULT1-OK' ], // Expected result "RESULT1-OK"
fn() => 'RESULT1-OK', // Callback 1
'Test 2',
[ 'return' => 'RESULT2-OK' ], // Expected result "RESULT1-OK"
fn() => 'RESULT2', // Callback 1 - returns "RESULT2"
fn($__partial) => "$__partial[return]-OK", // Callback 2 - Merge with callback 1, returns "RESULT2-OK"
// 4. Execute benchmarks and tests
// [optional, default 1] <iterations>, number of interactions for all tests
• null // Use null to any result
• array( // or array of expected results, if omitted, the test will be considered successful
"skipped" => string, // [optional] custom skipped message print
"type" => string, // [optional] output|throw|skipped or return value type
"return" => mixed, // [optional] accept callback return value
"output" => null, // [optional] not accept callback output
"output" => string, // [optional] accept callback output
"throw" => null, // [optional] not accept callback throw
"throw" => string, // [optional] accept callback throw class
"throw" => array( // [optional] accept callback throw by class, message, code, file and line
"class" => string, # [optional] accept callback throw class
"message" => string, # [optional] accept callback throw message
"code" => int, # [optional] accept callback throw code
"file" => string, # [optional] accept callback throw file
"line" => int # [optional] accept callback throw line
// Current interaction number
$__interaction = int
// Partial test returns
$__partial = array(
"type" => string, // pending|output|throw|skipped or return value type
"return" => mixed,
"output" => null|string,
"throw" => null|array(
"class" => string,
"message" => string,
"code" => int,
"line" => int,
"file" => string
If necessary, arguments can be added to the mapping to call the "__construct" and method. The smart populate looks for required arguments and fills them in recursively, regardless of position, so there's no argument overflow.
$benchmark = $agent->createBenchmark('Test 1');
// by methods
'arg1' => 'value1',
'arg2' => 'value2',
'arg3' => 'value3' // ignored
'<expected result>', // Expected result
fn ($arg1, $__interaction, $arg2, $__partial) => ..., // arrow function
'<expected result>',
# Supported callbacks ↓↓↓
"strlen", // native function name
"myFunction", // function name
function () { ... }, // anonymous function
fn () => ..., // arrow function
"MyClass::myMethod", // class method, "__construct" will be called before the method
[ MyClass::class, "myMethod" ], # class method, "__construct" will be called before the method
"MyClass::myStaticMethod", // class static method
[ MyClass::class, "myStaticMethod" ], # class static method
[ new MyClass(), "myMethod" ], // object, myMethod
[ $myObject, "myMethod" ], # object, myMethod
new MyClass(), # object, __invoke
$myObject, # object, __invoke
[ new MyClass(), "myStaticMethod" ], // object, myStaticMethod
[ $myObject, "myStaticMethod" ], # object, myStaticMethod