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System Setup

vitotai edited this page Jan 28, 2018 · 5 revisions

Default username and password are both brewpiless.

Field Note
LCD auto off The timer to turn LCD/backlight off. 0 to keep it always on.
Title The name shown on the homepage, next to LCD.
Host/Network Name SSID and hostname
User Name/password Username and password to access certain pages
Always need password If enabled, you will be asked username/password when trying to connect to it.
Network Station, AP, Station+AP: set the network operation mode of BPL
Fixed IP Fixed IP to be used as Station. Leave blank if using DHCP.
Gateway Gateway for fixed IP setting. Leave blank if using DHCP.
Netmask Net mask for fixed IP setting. Leave blank if using DHCP.

Note: Change of all settings except LCD auto off will result in re-boot of BPL. The setting of LCD auto off is supposed to be effective right away after submit.

If Network is set Station+AP mode, BPL will create a WiFi network even when it is connecting to a AP. It is useful and good to set Station+AP mode when working with iSpindel. In most case, BPL is placed near the fermenter, so it is near iSpindel, which should solve connection issue of iSpindel, if any, and save the power of iSpindel.

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