- This repository contains my random (but important) technical notes, which I found useful.
- Please do follow individual sub-folders for more details specific technology.
- Notes so far include topics like Hadoop, Spark, Machine Learning, Java, Python, Unit testing, Clean Code, Py project management,
$ hdfs dfs -du -s -h hdfs://hadoop-cluster/user/hive/warehouse/hive_schema.db/table
655.2 M 1.9 G hdfs://hadoop-cluster/user/hive/warehouse/hive_schema.db/table
[size] [disk space consumed]
655.2 M * 3 (replication factor) = 1.9 G
-s : aggregate summary of file lengths
-h : human readable instead long number in bytes
# Look for specific keywards
hdfs dfs -du -s -h /user/hive/warehouse/*hive_schema_name*/*hive_table_name*
# print total size
hdfs dfs -du -s -h /user/hive/warehouse/*hive_schema_name*/*hive_table_name* | awk '{ total += $1 }; END { print total }'
beeline -u $BEELINE_URL --showHeader=false --outputformat=tsv2 -e "show tables from $HIVE_SCHEMA like $PATTERN ;" | xargs -I '{}' beeline -u $BEELINE_URL --showHeader=false --outputformat=tsv2 -e " drop table $HIVE_SCHEMA.{} ;"
xargs - reads data from standard input (stdin) and executes the command (supplied to it as argument) one or more times based on the input read. Any blanks and spaces in input are treated as delimiters, while blank lines are ignored.
set hive.support.quoted.identifiers=none;
select `<reguler expression>` from hive_table ;
hdfs dfs -checksum <hdfs url>
<hdfs url> MD5-of-0MD5-of-512CRC32C 00000200000000000000000024c3cf9f64d08eaafeb25bb9776f793c
- Datanodes are responsible for verifying the data they receive before storing the data and its checksum
- When clients read data from datanodes, they verify checksums as well, comparing them with the ones stored at the datanodes
- 'get' command : HDFS computes a checksum for each block of each file. The checksums for a file are stored separately in a hidden file. When a file is read from HDFS, the checksums in that hidden file are used to verify the file’s integrity. For the get command, the -crc option will copy that hidden checksum file. The -ignorecrc option will skip the checksum checking when copying
- A separate checksum is created for every dfs.bytes-perchecksum bytes of data. The default is 512 bytes3
- Each datanode keeps a persistent log of checksum verifications, so it knows the last time each of its blocks was verified.
- "MD5-of-0MD5-of-512CRC32C" : http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/hadoop-hdfs-user/201508.mbox/%3CCAMm20=5K+f3ArVtoo9qMSesjgd_opdcvnGiDTkd3jpn7SHkysg@mail.gmail.com%3E
# On command prompt
C:\> python -m pip install jupyter
# It creats entry in C:\Python36\Scripts
C:\>jupyter notebook
[I 12:36:39.808 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: C:\
[I 12:36:39.808 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 12:36:39.808 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 12:36:39.808 NotebookApp] http://localhost:8888/?token=1d3293c485f32b492a93cf6dae1088d51d6d4635dff7630d
[I 12:36:39.808 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 12:36:39.808 NotebookApp]
Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
to login with a token:
[I 12:36:39.976 NotebookApp] Accepting one-time-token-authenticated connection from ::1
https://medium.com/dunder-data/how-to-learn-pandas-108905ab4955 You don’t really know a Python library if you cannot answer the majority of questions on it that are asked on Stack Overflow. This statement might be a little too strong, but in general, Stack Overflow provides a great testing ground for your knowledge of a particular library. There are over 50,000 questions tagged as pandas, so you have an endless test bank to build your pandas knowledge.
If you have never answered a question on Stack Overflow, I would recommend looking at older questions that already have answers and attempting to answer them by only using the documentation. After you feel like you can put together high-quality answers, I would suggest making attempts at unanswered questions. Nothing improved my pandas skills more than answering questions on Stack Overflow.
This statement lets you change the name of a table to a different name.
As of version 0.6, a rename on a managed table moves its HDFS location.
Rename has been changed as of version 2.2.0 (HIVE-14909) so that a managed table's HDFS location is moved only if the table is created without a LOCATION clause and under its database directory.
Hive versions prior to 0.6 just renamed the table in the metastore without moving the HDFS location.
ALTER TABLE old_table RENAME TO new_table;
Rename table records not visible in pyspark! There is a property of table which pyspark api looks for lading data. hive rename command fails to update this property, and we see no records when query from pyspark. Resolution is to alter table to change 'serdeproperties' path.
alter table my_schema.new_table set serdeproperties ('path'='hdfs://hadoop-cluster/user/hive/warehouse/my_schema.db/new_table')
git clone <git dir path>
git init
git pull
git checkout -b feature/XYZ # change branch to feature branch
git add . # . is for add all the files that changed
git status
git commit -m "comments"
git push origin <branch name>
git rm file1.txt
#But if you want to remove the file only from the Git repository and not remove it from the filesystem, use:
git rm --cached ipmvp-nifi-custom.iml
- If
git pull
want to specifiy exact remote branch
Ex: There is no tracking information for the current branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge with.
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<branch> feature/XXX-100
- Create new branch and push to git
git branch feature/ABC-123
git checkout feature/ABC-123
git add .
git commit -m "bla bla"
git push origin feature/ABC-123
- Clear all local commits!
git reset --hard HEAD^
git checkout develop
git pull
git checkout - # switch to feature branch
git reset --hard HEAD # only if you have to cleanup locall changes
git rebase develop
- git submodule
git release with git-flow extensions
- release/merge feature branch to develop and master
git flow release start 0.1.0 git checkout master git checkout merge release/0.1.0 git flow release finish '0.1.0'
- 'tags' - once master updated with new changes, it should be tagged with the updated version number.
git setup the connection or 407 error
git config --global http.proxy http://username:password@proxiURL:proxiPort
git config --global http.sslVerify false
- Git Rebase
https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/apply-changes-from-one-branch-to-another.html Rebase the develop branch with feature. I.e. pull the updates from develop to feature branch.
# on the feature branch
git checkout develop
git pull origin develop # to update local develop
git pull --rebase origin develop
git rebase --continue # to confirm if rebase cpompleted
git status
- merge develop to master by creating release branch.
- version of new release is same as release branch name.
- git flow for feature branch
git flow init
git flow feature start MYFEATURE
git flow feature finish MYFEATURE
git flow feature publish MYFEATURE
git flow feature pull origin MYFEATURE
git flow feature track MYFEATURE
- git flow for release
git flow release start RELEASE
git flow release publish RELEASE
git flow release finish RELEASE
git push origin --tags
- When feature branch needs to merge with develop that is already updated with some other changes
- first update feature from develop.
- merge conflicts
- then merge feature to develop
- merge conflicts
Install CLI : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/awscli-install-windows.html#awscli-install-windows-path
Create a profile
C:\Users\vkbomb>aws configure --profile test
AWS Access Key ID []: XXX
AWS Secret Access Key []: YY
Default region name []: eu-central-1
Default output format [None]:
List S3 objects
C:\Users>aws s3 ls s3://bucket_name/folder1/ --profile test
Download data from buckte
C:\Users>aws s3 cp s3://bucket_name/folder1/test_file.txt --profile test .
download: s3://bucket_name/folder1/test_file.txt to .\test_file.txt
#to download entire bucket
C:\Users>aws s3 sync s3://bucket_name/folder1 --profile test .
http://supercoderz.in/how-python-decorators-are-better-than-java-annotations/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15347136/is-a-python-decorator-the-same-as-java-annotation-or-java-with-aspects
The recommended way to execute any Gradle build is with the help of the Gradle Wrapper (in short just “Wrapper”). The Wrapper is a script that invokes a declared version of Gradle, downloading it beforehand if necessary. As a result, developers can get up and running with a Gradle project quickly without having to follow manual installation processes saving your company time and money.
├── build.gradle
├── settings.gradle
├── gradle
│ └── wrapper
│ ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
│ └── gradle-wrapper.properties
├── gradlew
└── gradlew.bat
- build.gradle
mainClassName = 'com.myEmp.nifi.Main'
// this tells the build to run the code from class Main
// so when we build the project, it actually call the code .
#List the zero byte files
hdfs dfs -ls hdfs://<path> | awk '{ if ($5 == 0) print $8 }'
#delete all zero byte files
hdfs dfs -ls hdfs://<path> | awk '{ if ($5 == 0) print $8 }' | xargs hadoop fs -rm
# delete zero byte files from subfolders
hdfs dfs -lsr hdfs://<path>/\* | awk '{ if ($5 == 0) print $8 }' | xargs hadoop fs -rm
#\* avoides the folder itself to comming in the list
$ vim test123.sh
rm -f <user>.keytab
echo -e " add_entry -password -p <user>@<server> -k 5 -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96\n<pwd>\nwkt <user>.keytab" |ktutil
echo -e " add_entry -password -p <user>@<server> -k 5 -e aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96\n<pwd>\nwkt <user>.keytab" |ktutil
echo -e " add_entry -password -p <user>@<server> -k 5 -e des3-cbc-sha1\n<pwd>\nwkt <user>.keytab" |ktutil
echo -e " add_entry -password -p <user>@<server> -k 5 -e arcfour-hmac\n<pwd>\nwkt <user>.keytab" |ktutil
$ ktutil
ktutil: add_entry -password -p <user>@<server> -k 5 -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
ktutil: add_entry -password -p <user>@<server> -k 5 -e aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96
ktutil: add_entry -password -p <user>@<server> -k 5 -e des3-cbc-sha1
ktutil: add_entry -password -p <user>@<server> -k 5 -e arcfour-hmac
ktutil: wkt ./<user>.keytab
ktutil: quit
- 'create or replace view' dose not supported very well, hence it is wise to drop view before hand.
https://streever.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HADOOP/pages/9961474/Hive+JDBC+Extended+Connection+URL+Examples https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/HiveServer2+Clients
- Adding ;SocketTimeout=0 in URL could solve the problems like below
ERROR processing query/stat
ement. Error Code: 0, SQL state: TStatus(statusCode:ERROR_STATUS, infoMessages:[*org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException:Invalid S
essionHandle: SessionHandle [xxx]:12:11,
Nonequality condition (like <>) dose not work with join condition, so below will through error!
select *
from table_a a join table_b b
on (a.field1 <> b.field2)
Use these conditions in where instead
select *
from table_a a join table_b b
where a.field1 <> b.field2
create external table tbl_ext
like tbl_abc
location '/user/hive/xyz...'
The log4j.properties file sets the logging properties.
Log4j has three main components: loggers, appenders and layouts
Logging to the console
# Logger for crawl metrics
- Logging to a file
# initialize root logger with level ERROR for stdout and fout
# set the log level for these components
# add a ConsoleAppender to the logger stdout to write to the console
# use a simple message format
# add a FileAppender to the logger fout
# create a log file
# use a more detailed message pattern
systemctl run xxx
systemctl restart xxx
- The number of files that get written out is controlled by the parallelization of your DataFrame or RDD.
- In other words number of files written out is equal to number of task performed on dataframe or partitions.
- So if your data is split across 10 Spark partitions you cannot write fewer than 10 files without reducing partitioning (e.g. coalesce or repartition).
Below code will creat one file, in the user home hdfs folder while saving.
# OR
- Bamboo is used to automate the release management for a software application, creating a continuous delivery pipeline.
- Continuous Integration is a software development methodology in which a build, unit tests and integration tests are performed, or triggered, whenever code is committed to the repository, to ensure that new changes integrate well into the existing code base.
- Plan
- high level flow defined.
- Create new plan each time to create new deployment flow.
- need to mention a. project name, b. paln name and c. connection to code repository , while creating plan
- Stage
- each plan have multiple stages
- Jobs
- Task
- jobs can have multiple tasks
- Task do real work like execute script, call a function.
- Bamboo could be setup to trigger build when code commited to repo
- imcompleted - missing data
- inaccuracy - garbage chars / wrong data
- inconsistency - price in diff currency
- invalidity - logically / business logically invalide data
- Non stadard - decimal places not consistance
- Data profiling - data quality metrics : %complete, %accurate,
- threshold to validate in meta or control table
- Data cleansing - remove duplicate, null / NA
- Exclude specific folders and files
zip -9r algo.zip . -x "notebook/*" "tests/*" ".git/*"
- Only list but not unzip
unzip -vl algo.zip
Keep running your script though you disconnect from session.
Start new screen window
screen -S session_name
- Detach from Linux Screen Session
Ctrl+a d
- Return back to screen
screen -r session_name
screen -ls