- Android Google Play Game Services with Cocos2d-x Support for Achievements and Leaderboards.
Don't forget add google-play-services_lib library. The version used for this template is: 4242000
Android Support with cocos2d-x for Google Play Games Services.
This is the first version for the Cocos2d-x Template to use Google Play Games Services with Android.
Package created: com.carlospinan.utils
- ConfigUtils.java : Contains some global constants to identify if the services is available.
- NativeUtils.java : Allow communication with C++
- UtilActivity.java : This is the Class to extends from BaseGameActivity and implements some methods.
This sources in the future will support Google Play Games Services for IOS and Ouya support (Just android)
I will add Facebook SDK, Twitter SDK and some support for IAB (In App Billing) but maybe I will work with the Paypal SDK.
Important C++ Clases:
JNIHelpers: Allows communication from C++ to Java. NativeUtils: Have some methods to communicate with Google Play Games Services.
Currently just work Achievements and Leaderboards.
Android notes:
Modify the file build_native.sh and change the NDK_ROOT for your NDK PATH and find COCOS2DX_ROOT and change for your COCOS2DX PATH
After this changes put in your terminal (or Cygwin):
./build_native.sh in the proj.android directory.
Note: I recommend use first: "./build_native.sh clean" without quotes to clean the previous obj
If you want to implement this use: NativeUtils.h in your C++ class and with your Game Logic call the methods.
In this version the current methods are:
static bool isSignedIn();
static void signIn();
static void signOut();
static void submitScore(const char* leaderboardID, long score);
static void unlockAchievement(const char* achievementID);
static void incrementAchievement(const char* achievementID, int numSteps);
static void showAchievements();
static void showLeaderboards();
static void showLeaderboard(const char* leaderboardID);
In the next version I will add the multiplayer support and I'm working on the Ouya integration and IOS support for Google Play Game Services.
If you have some problem just contact me to: