This is a gamified application for loan repayment. Users gets points for using the application.
Lets see what our app can give you.
These are 3 onboarding screens
User can log in to application using email and password Test Email: Test Password: 111111
This is dashboard screen for users. Users can see their ongoing loan status. Users can also see offers for them.
This is loan list screen. User can see all loans here.
This is loan leaderboard screen. Users get their scores updated here. Scores are based on loan repayment and user's engagement with the app.
This is loan description screen. User see all information about loan here
First screen shows option for payment. Second screen shows payment progress. Third screen shows reward notification after payment. Fourth screen shows message after selecing pickup cheque request.
On this scree, user can chat with assitance to get help.
On reading all notifications user see reward information on screen.
This screen contains all faqs.
This screen shows recommendations by app to user.
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