Releases: viveris/jtag-boundary-scanner
Releases · viveris/jtag-boundary-scanner
JTAG Boundary scanner v2.6.7.1
JTAG Boundary scanner v2.6.6.1
FTDI based JTAG probes fix : Last bits jtag chain shift-in issue fixed.
Script : (Most commands) Fix hexadecimal number from variable support.
MEM Tool : Fix device selection issue.
JTAG Boundary scanner v2.6.5.1
- Log file output added.
- JLINK JTAG probes support fix : Try to load JLink_x64.dll instead of JLinkARM.dll in 64 bits mode.
JTAG Boundary scanner v2.6.4.1
I2C Bus over JTAG emulation : Support targets without OE control bits.
JTAG Boundary scanner v2.6.3.3
Fix a probe communication issue with FTDI based probes and some JTAG targets/bsdl.
JTAG Boundary scanner v2.6.3.2
- Fix v2.6.3.1 release :
Fix crash while loading bsdl file. (script engine issue).
JTAG Boundary scanner v2.6.3.1
- Many static code analyzer reports fixed.
- BSDL parser : Fix crash with "1508AS_J84.BSD"
- mingw32 and mingw64 build support.
JTAG Boundary scanner v2.52
- Fix the bsdl files sub-folder scan.
JTAG Boundary scanner v2.50
- config.script configuration file support.
- FDTI probes settings can be now changed into
the configuration file.
- Pins are now naturally ordered.
- New script commands :
- "pause" : pause the execution during x milliseconds.
- "include" : include and execute another script file. (WIP)
- "system" : do a system call/operation. (WIP)
- Code fixes and improvements.
JTAG Boundary scanner v2.19
Probe selection fixed.
VC 201X build fixed (missing .def entries added).