While you may be willing to share most of your phone's contacts with apps like WhatsApp or Instagram, you probably don't want to let them know about some others likes relatives, friends,etc.
* Improve the privacy of your contacts
VIVIN KV https://www.github.com/vivinkv6
The user enters the form data such as name, email, mobile number and click the submit button. Below the form,user sees submmited information card and two icons.Each icons represent each functioning. 1) Delete Icon: It is used for deleting selected user information 2)Star Icon: It is used for list those contacts which are important.
React JS - ^18.1.0
react-hook-form - ^7.31.2
react-router-dom - ^6.3.0
Int project Directory,you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open https://localhost:3000
to view it in your browser.
1)Add two or more Favourite contacts in Favourite component
2)responsive in all device
3)bug fix if any