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Jenkins Job DSL and pipeline script gradle project

Conjoined project for jenkins pipeline management using job-dsl-plugin for job creation and jenkins-pipeline-plugin for job logic definition using scripted pipelines.
Project supports code completion of job-dsl scripts and pipeline scripts in IntelliJ IDEA. Just import project as gradle project using gradle wrapper.

Running all tests in this repository

./gradlew clean check

Pipelines DSL

Pipeline module contains all of scripted jenkins files

├── resources                   
│   └── pipeline.gdsl       #Groovy DSL script (GDSL) file. 
│                           #This can be downloaded from https://<Jenkins>/job/<Job Name>/pipeline-syntax/gdsl      
│                           #enables code completion in IDE for pipeline functions
├── scripts                 # Jenkins pipeline script files   
└── build.gradle            # Build file   

Jenkins seeds (job-dsl)

Inspired by

Seeds module contains seed jobs for creating jenkins pipeline jobs as well as some helper classes like builders and utils

├── seeds                   # DSL script files   
├── resources               # Resources for DSL scripts   
├── src   
│   ├── main   
│   │   └── groovy          # Support classes      
│   └── test   
│       └── groovy          # Specs   
└── build.gradle            # Build file

Testing of seed jobs

./gradlew :seeds:test - runs seed jobs tests. JobScriptsSpec will loop through all DSL files and make sure they don't throw any exceptions when processed. All XML output files are written to build/debug-xml. This can be useful if you want to inspect the generated XML before check-in.

Tests are using jenkins test harness

Shared libraries

├── src                     # Groovy source files
├── test                    # Unit tests   
└── vars                    # Reusable library functions (global vars)
    ├──             # Global 'foo' library   
    └── foo.txt             # Docs for global 'foo' library

Testing of shared libraries

./gradlew :check - runs shared library unit tests

Inspired by

Uses Jenkins pipelineUnit -

Setting up local jenkins in docker

Installing Jenkins locally for development purposes

! please note that script security is disabled locally using permissive-script-security plugin Still warnings from script security are displayed in console logs of your pipelines In production use the scripts still has to be approved by administrators of Jenkins

├── master                      
│   ├── Dockerfile              # Dockerfile for master creation      
│   └── plugins.txt             # list of all plugins, that local Jenkins will install   
├── jenkins.yaml                # (CaSC) configuration file for jenkins. Contains all settings for new server.  
│                               #
├── jenkins-docker-compose.yml  # docker compose for creating jenkins master and  agent       
├──      # script for startting local jenkins
└──       # script for removal of local jenkins


Starting jenkins in docker

sh ./docker/

creates 2 containers

  • jenkins master (with plugins preinstalled)
  • simple agent

Local jenkins url http://localhost:8092

Creating jobs using master-seed job

Once you have local jenkins created you can proceed with creating jobs.

Use http://localhost:8092/job/master-seed job to generate all jobs from seeds

Useful links on started Jenkins instance