Project to predict Crypto currency Price from analyzing sentiments dataset of crypto related online texts, this includes tweets and news articles related to bitcoin.
- Data Collection and Transformation
- Discretization
- Rule generation using Decision Tree
- Defuzzification using Fuzzy Inference System
Genetic Algorithm has been applied to optimize
- Number of bins and type of binning in the discretization phase.
- Selection of features to give to the decision tree.
SentiCrypt API provides the bitcoin prices for a 1 hour window and also the mean, median of sentiment scores of the crypto related texts.
- Collect data from the SentiCrypt API.
- Discretize it, either using equifrequency binning or equiwidth binning.
- Pass the discretized data to the decision tree. The target variable is the BTCPrice
- Pass the rules generated from the decision tree to the FIS.
- The FIS then can be used to predict the values based on given input.
- Testing