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A Moore's finite state machine implemented in python3.

This repository was created for a project to Principles of Programming Languages class at Faculty of Information technology at Brno University of Technology. contains general Moore's finite state machine implementation. contains specific use-case defined by the project.

class FiniteStateMachine

Holds all information about finite state machine.


rules_only - If True when adding rules starting state or targeted state don't have to exist and are created. Exception is raised if set to False and states don't exist.

line_comment - Ignore lines starting with this string.

allow_redefinition - If False and you create state with same name or same transition as existing Exception is raised.

escape_state - States which name contains this sub-string are read literally. (Allows escape characters that are same as control characters when creating state machine from config file.)

method add_state(name, finishing=False)

Add state to finite state machine.

name - Name of the state.

finishing - Set to as finishing state.

returns - True if added successfully.

raise Redefinition - If state already exists

method add_symbol(symbol)

Add symbol to the set of symbols. If rules_only is set then this method has no effect.

symbol - String to add to state machine's alphabet.

returns - True if added successfully.

raise Redefinition - If symbol already exists

method add_rule(starting_name, target_name, symbol, returning=False)

Add transition rule to state machine.

starting_name - Name of the starting state.

target_name - Name of the targeted state.

symbol - String to make the transition.

returning (string or False) - Symbol is saved to the cache. When more transition in row are made with the same returning string then those symbols are concatenated in the cache.

returns - True if added successfully.

raise Invalid if states or symbol in rule doesn't exists

raise Nondeterminism if rule with same starting state and symbol but different target exists

method set_finishing(name)

Set State with "name" as finishing

name - Name of the state to set as finishing.

raise Invalid -If State with given name doesn't exists.

method set_starting(name)

Set starting state of state machine, the state is also always set as the current one.

name - Name of the state to set as starting (current).

raise Invalid -If State with given name doesn't exists.

method step(char)

Make transition from current state with symbol. New current state is set accordingly.

char - Symbol to make transition with.

returns - Instance of State class of targeted state, that is set as current.

raise MissingRule - If there is no rule for given symbol from current state.

method read_string(string)

Read string symbol by symbol and make transitions starting from current state.

returns - True if last state is finishing, false otherwise.

raise MissingRule - If there is no rule for given symbol from current state.

method build_from_config(conf)

Add FSM's components from config file.

conf - configparser.ConfigParser object

Config must have following structure:

[start]   # from state start
start = a    # go to start with symbol "a"
finish = b    # go to finish with symbol "b"
    handler     # optional handler for capturing sequences
[finish.]   # from state finish
            # if ends with dot "." then it's finishing state
finish = a,b # go to finish with "a" or "b"

This file must be read this way:

conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
machine = stateMachine.FiniteStateMachine()
method is_finishing()

returns - True if current state is finishing, False otherwise.

method is_WSFA()

returns - True if the state machine is well specified finite automata, False otherwise.

method minimize()

Minimize state machine.

returns - New instance of FiniteStateMachine that is minimized version of this state machine.

method find_non_terminating()

Finds not terminating state of the state machine.

  1. name of non-terminating state
  2. "0" if no non-terminating state exists
  3. False if more than one non-terminating state exists

class SymbolGroup()

When adding symbol using FiniteStateMachine.add_symbol(symbol) you can set one of following to specify group of characters:

  • "!ALPHA"
  • "!ALPHANUM_"
  • "!SPACE"
  • "!LF"
  • "!SKIP"

class Redefinition(BaseException)

Raised when rule, symbol or state should be created but already exist.

class Invalid(BaseException)

Raised when state or symbol is not defined when creating rule.

class MissingRule(BaseException)

Raised when transition should be made with symbol from state but there is no such a rule.

class Nondeterminism(BaseException)

Raised when rule from state with symbol to target should be created but already exist to different target.


  • python >= 3.4


Moore's state machine in Python 3






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