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[Spark] Delta Tables with Unity Catalog (UC) as Commit Coordinator
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Cherrypick of delta-io#3837
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sumeet-db authored and vkorukanti committed Dec 31, 2024
1 parent 803dc70 commit 1d44fc8
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Showing 17 changed files with 3,031 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -435,6 +435,7 @@ lazy val spark = (project in file("spark"))
"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % sparkVersion.value % "test" classifier "tests",
"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-sql" % sparkVersion.value % "test" classifier "tests",
"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-hive" % sparkVersion.value % "test" classifier "tests",
"org.mockito" % "mockito-core" % "4.11.0" % "test",
Compile / packageBin / mappings := (Compile / packageBin / mappings).value ++
listPythonFiles(baseDirectory.value.getParentFile / "python"),
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,7 +100,12 @@ object CommitCoordinatorProvider {
nameToBuilderMapping.retain((k, _) => initialCommitCoordinatorNames.contains(k))

private[delta] def clearAllBuilders(): Unit = synchronized {

private val initialCommitCoordinatorBuilders = Seq[CommitCoordinatorBuilder](
new DynamoDBCommitCoordinatorClientBuilder()
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
* Copyright (2021) The Delta Lake Project Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


import java.util.UUID
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable

import{Metadata, Protocol}
Commit => JCommit,
CommitFailedException => JCommitFailedException,
GetCommitsResponse => JGetCommitsResponse
import{CommitLimitReachedException => JCommitLimitReachedException, InvalidTargetTableException => JInvalidTargetTableException}
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, Path}

final object UCCoordinatedCommitsRequestType extends Enumeration {
type UCCoordinatedCommitsRequestType = Value
val COMMIT = Value
val GET_COMMITS = Value

* A mock UC commit coordinator for testing purposes.
class InMemoryUCCommitCoordinator {

* Represents the data associated with a table.
* `ucCommits` mimics the underlying list for the commit files.
private class PerTableData(val path: URI) {

* Represents a UC commit record.
* @param commit represents the commit itself.
* @param isBackfilled represents whether the commit is backfilled or not.
private case class UCCommit(
commit: JCommit,
isBackfilled: Boolean = false) {
/** Version of the underlying commit file */
val version: Long = commit.getVersion

/** Underlying storage of UC commit records */
private val ucCommits: mutable.ArrayBuffer[UCCommit] = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty

/** RWLock to protect the commitsMap */
val lock: ReentrantReadWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock()

* Returns the last ratified commit version for the table.
* If no commits have been done from commit-coordinator yet, returns -1.
def lastRatifiedCommitVersion: Long =

* Returns true if:
* - the table has ratified any commit, and
def isActive: Boolean = {

/** Appends a commit to the table's commit history */
def appendCommit(
commit: JCommit
): Unit = {
ucCommits += UCCommit(commit)

/** Removes all commits until the given version (inclusive) */
def removeCommitsUntilVersion(version: Long): Unit = {
val toRemove = ucCommits.takeWhile(_.version <= version)
ucCommits --= toRemove

/** Marks the last commit as backfilled */
def markLastCommitBackfilled(): Unit = {
ucCommits.lastOption.foreach { lastUCCommit =>
ucCommits.update(ucCommits.size - 1, lastUCCommit.copy(isBackfilled = true))

* Returns the unbackfilled commits in the given range.
* If `startVersion` is not provided, the first commit is used.
* If `endVersion` is not provided, the last commit is used.
def getCommits(startVersion: Option[Long], endVersion: Option[Long]): Seq[JCommit] = {
val effectiveStartVersion = startVersion.getOrElse(0L)
val effectiveEndVersion = endVersion.getOrElse( Seq.empty))
// Collect unbackfilled `Commit`s from the `UCCommit`s in the range.
ucCommits.filter(c =>
effectiveStartVersion <= c.version && c.version <= effectiveEndVersion && !c.isBackfilled

* Variable to allow to control the behavior of the InMemoryUCCommitCoordinator
* externally. If set to true, the coordinator will throw an IOException after
* a successful commit. This will be reset to false once the exception has been
* thrown.
var throwIOExceptionAfterCommit: Boolean = false

* Variable to allow to control the behavior of the InMemoryUCCommitCoordinator
* externally. If set to true, the coordinator will throw an IOException before
* persisting a commit to the in memory map. This will be reset to false once the
* exception has been thrown.
var throwIOExceptionBeforeCommit: Boolean = false

/** The maximum number of unbackfilled commits this commit coordinator can store at a time */
private val MAX_NUM_COMMITS = 10

* Map from table UUID to the data associated with the table.
* Mimics the underlying storage for the commit files of different tables.
private val perTableMap = new ConcurrentHashMap[UUID, PerTableData]()

/** Performs the given operation with lock acquired on the table entry */
private def withLock[T](tableUUID: UUID, writeLock: Boolean = false)(operation: => T): T = {
val tableData = Option(perTableMap.get(tableUUID)).getOrElse {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown table $tableUUID.")
val lock = if (writeLock) tableData.lock.writeLock() else tableData.lock.readLock()
try {
} finally {

private def validateTableURI(
srcTable: URI,
targetTable: URI,
request: UCCoordinatedCommitsRequestType.UCCoordinatedCommitsRequestType): Unit = {
if (srcTable != targetTable) {
val errorMsg = s"Source table $srcTable and targetTable $targetTable do not match for " +
throw new JInvalidTargetTableException(errorMsg)

// scalastyle:off argcount
def commitToCoordinator(
tableId: String,
tableUri: URI,
commitFileName: Option[String] = None,
commitVersion: Option[Long] = None,
commitFileSize: Option[Long] = None,
commitFileModTime: Option[Long] = None,
commitTimestamp: Option[Long] = None,
lastKnownBackfilledVersion: Option[Long] = None,
isDisownCommit: Boolean = false,
protocolOpt: Option[Protocol] = None,
metadataOpt: Option[Metadata] = None): Unit = {
// either commitFileName or backfilledUntil (or both) need to be set
require(commitFileName.nonEmpty || lastKnownBackfilledVersion.nonEmpty)
val tableUUID = UUID.fromString(tableId)
// if this is the first commit, we just accept it
val path = Option(perTableMap.get(tableUUID)).map(_.path).getOrElse {
// The first commit has to be an actual commit and not just a backfill-only
// request so commitVersion.get is accessible.
// Register the table with the commit coordinator.
perTableMap.putIfAbsent(tableUUID, new PerTableData(tableUri))

commitFileName.foreach { fileName =>
// ensure that all other necessary parameters are provided
validateTableURI(path, tableUri, UCCoordinatedCommitsRequestType.COMMIT)

// Check that there is still space in the commit coordinator.
val currentNumCommits = getCommitsFromCoordinator(
tableId, tableUri, startVersion = None, endVersion = None).getCommits.size
if (currentNumCommits == MAX_NUM_COMMITS) {
val errorMsg = s"Too many unbackfilled commits for $tableId. Cannot " +
s"store more than $MAX_NUM_COMMITS commits"
throw new JCommitLimitReachedException(errorMsg)

if (throwIOExceptionBeforeCommit) {
throwIOExceptionBeforeCommit = false
throw new IOException("Problem before comitting")
// Store the commit. For the InMemoryUCCommit coordinator, we concatenate the full commit path
// here already so that we don't have to do it during getCommits.
val basePath = FileNames.commitDirPath(
DeltaTableUtils.safeConcatPaths(new Path(tableUri), "_delta_log"))
val commitFilePath = new Path(basePath, fileName)
val fileStatus = new FileStatus(
commitFileSize.get, false, 0, 0, commitFileModTime.get, commitFilePath)
withLock(tableUUID, writeLock = true) {
val tableData = perTableMap.get(tableUUID)
// We only check the expected version matches the commit version if the table is active.
// If the table was just registered, the check is not necessary.
if (tableData.isActive) {
val expectedVersion = tableData.lastRatifiedCommitVersion + 1
if (commitVersion.get != expectedVersion) {
throw new JCommitFailedException(
commitVersion.get < expectedVersion,
commitVersion.get < expectedVersion,
s"Commit version ${commitVersion.get} is not valid. " +
s"Expected version: $expectedVersion.")
new JCommit(commitVersion.get, fileStatus, commitTimestamp.get)
if (throwIOExceptionAfterCommit) {
throwIOExceptionAfterCommit = false
throw new IOException("Problem after comitting")

// Register any backfills.
lastKnownBackfilledVersion.foreach { backfilledUntil =>
withLock(tableUUID, writeLock = true) {
val tableData = perTableMap.get(tableUUID)
val maxVersionToRemove = if (backfilledUntil == tableData.lastRatifiedCommitVersion) {
// If the backfill version is the last ratified commit version, we remove all but the
// last commit, and mark the last commit as backfilled. This is to ensure that every
// active table keeps track of at least one commit record.
backfilledUntil - 1
} else if (backfilledUntil < tableData.lastRatifiedCommitVersion) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Unexpected backfill version: $backfilledUntil. " +
s"Max backfill version: ${tableData.lastRatifiedCommitVersion}")

def getCommitsFromCoordinator(
tableId: String,
tableUri: URI,
startVersion: Option[Long],
endVersion: Option[Long]): JGetCommitsResponse = {
val tableUUID = UUID.fromString(tableId)
val path = Option(perTableMap.get(tableUUID)).map(_.path).getOrElse {
return new JGetCommitsResponse(Seq.empty.asJava, -1)
validateTableURI(path, tableUri, UCCoordinatedCommitsRequestType.GET_COMMITS)
withLock[JGetCommitsResponse](tableUUID) {
val tableData = perTableMap.get(tableUUID)
val commits = tableData.getCommits(startVersion, endVersion)
new JGetCommitsResponse(commits.asJava, tableData.lastRatifiedCommitVersion)

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