Fainty is small widget library for the Awesome WM. It is not very modular or extensible, has no external dependencies and provides text-based widgets that look and behave like standard awesome widgets.
This library requires awesome 4.0. Last working version for 3.5 could be found at v3.5 tag.
Warning: this is small one-man project without stable API, and beware of bad English.
The NIH syndrome.
List of included widgets:
- fainty.widgets.alsa - ALSA volume widget that can manage several channels of one or multiple sound cards.
- fainty.widgets.kbdd - Widget that displays and controls keyboard layouts with use of kbdd.
- fainty.widgets.awpwkb - Widget for awpwkb per-window keyboard layout switcher.
- fainty.widgets.calendar - Textclock with calendar popup.
- fainty.widgets.battery - Widget with battery information.
- fainty.widgets.pulseaudio - PulseAudio widget that can control sources and sinks volume and muted state.
- fainty.widgets.notifications - Widget that displays notifications count.
Clone this repository and put fainty directory in your config path:
cp -R fainty ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/awesome/
Add this to the top of your rc.lua:
local fainty = require("fainty")
Look to documentation in doc subdirectory.
This library released under MIT license, see LICENSE for more detail.