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Responsive modular grid layouts for Elm.

Designed for elm-ui and elm-land, but can be useful with elm-css or even pure CSS too.


What is a modular grid?

A modular grid is a well-known design approach that helps to establish a visual rhythm and produce layout designs quickly and in a controlled way. A simple explanation is given Design Trampoline. Module 5: Grid, and more info can be found on the web.

In the code, we refer to the following elements of the grid:

Grid elements

The full potential of modular grid design will be realized if the layouts are designed in Figma or another similar tool before coding. But this is optional.


  • Responsive grid columns (step width is variable, columns can grow, but gutter and minimal margin are fixed).
  • Allows to establish a vertical rhythm using column width, and maintain proportions of the grid elements on different screen sizes.

Example usage of GridLayout2 (2-screen version) with elm-land and elm-ui


elm install elm/browser


export const flags = ({ env }) => {
  return {
    windowSize: {
      height: window.innerHeight,
      width: window.innerWidth,


import GridLayout2

type alias Model =
    { layout : GridLayout2.LayoutState


import GridLayout2

type Msg
    = GotNewWindowSize GridLayout2.WindowSize


import GridLayout2

type alias Flags =
    { windowSize : GridLayout2.WindowSize }

decoder : Json.Decode.Decoder Flags
decoder = Flags
        (Json.Decode.field "windowSize" GridLayout2.windowSizeDecoder)

layoutConfig : GridLayout2.LayoutConfig
layoutConfig =
    { mobileScreen =
        { minGridWidth = 360
        , maxGridWidth = Just 720
        , columnCount = 6
        , gutter = 16
        , margin = GridLayout2.SameAsGutter
    , desktopScreen =
        { minGridWidth = 1024
        , maxGridWidth = Just 1440
        , columnCount = 12
        , gutter = 32
        , margin = GridLayout2.SameAsGutter

init : Result Json.Decode.Error Flags -> Route () -> ( Model, Effect Msg )
init flagsResult _ =
    case flagsResult of
        Ok flags ->
            ( { layout = GridLayout2.init layoutConfig flags.windowSize } , Effect.none )

        Err _ ->
            Debug.todo ""

update : Route () -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg )
update _ msg model =
    case msg of
        Shared.Msg.GotNewWindowSize newWindowSize ->
            ( { model | layout = GridLayout2.update model.layout newWindowSize }, Effect.none )

subscriptions : Route () -> Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions route model =
    Browser.Events.onResize (\width height -> Shared.Msg.GotNewWindowSize { width = width, height = height })


import GridLayout2

view : Shared.Model -> { toContentMsg : Msg -> contentMsg, content : View contentMsg, model : Model } -> View contentMsg
view shared { content } =
    { title = content.title
    , attributes = GridLayout2.bodyAttributes shared.layout ++ TextStyle.body ++ content.attributes
    , element =
            outerElementAttrs : List (Attribute msg)
            outerElementAttrs =

            innerElementAttrs : List (Attribute msg)
            innerElementAttrs =

            outerElement : List (Element msg) -> Element msg
            outerElement =
                column (GridLayout2.layoutOuterAttributes ++ outerElementAttrs)

            innerElement : List (Element msg) -> Element msg
            innerElement =
                column (GridLayout2.layoutInnerAttributes shared.layout ++ innerElementAttrs)
        outerElement [ innerElement [ content.element ] ]


import GridLayout2 exposing (..)

view : Shared.Model -> View msg
view { layout } =
    { title = "elm-modular-grid"
    , attributes = []
    , element =
        case layout.screenClass of
            MobileScreen ->
                viewMobile layout

            DesktopScreen ->
                viewDesktop layout

viewMobile : LayoutState -> Element msg
viewMobile layout =
        [ width fill
        , spacing layout.grid.gutter
        [ row [ width fill ] [ paragraph (width fill :: TextStyle.headerMobile) [ text pageTitle ] ]
        , image
            (scaleProportionallyToWidthOfGridSteps layout
                { originalWidth = importantImage.sourceSize.width
                , originalHeight = importantImage.sourceSize.height
                , widthSteps = 6
            { src = importantImage.url, description = importantImage.description }
        , column [ spacing layout.grid.gutter ]
            [ paragraph TextStyle.subheaderMobile [ text paragraphTitle ]
            , paragraph [] [ text paragraphText ]
        , gridRow layout
            [ viewBlockMobile layout { widthSteps = 3, heightSteps = 4 } block1
            , viewBlockMobile layout { widthSteps = 3, heightSteps = 4 } block2
        , gridRow layout
            [ viewBlockMobile layout { widthSteps = 4, heightSteps = 4 } block3
            , viewBlockMobile layout { widthSteps = 2, heightSteps = 4 } block4

viewBlockMobile : LayoutState -> { widthSteps : Int, heightSteps : Int } -> Block -> Element msg
viewBlockMobile layout { widthSteps, heightSteps } block =
        { widthSteps = widthSteps
        , heightSteps = heightSteps
        [ Background.color block.color
        , Font.color Color.white
        , padding layout.grid.gutter
        [ paragraph TextStyle.subheaderMobile [ text block.title ]
        , paragraph [ alignBottom, width fill, Font.alignRight ] [ text block.description ]

viewDesktop : LayoutState -> Element msg
viewDesktop layout =
    Debug.todo ""

Complete example code.

Switching between versions

Here's how you can switch from a 2-screen to a 3-screen (or 1-screen) version:

  • replace GridLayout2 with GridLayout3 everywhere in your code
  • update layoutConfig
  • follow compiler errors to adjust pattern matching of ScreenClass.