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Vladislav Pyatnitskiy edited this page Jul 12, 2024 · 142 revisions

Welcome to the Data Visualisation for finance wiki!


The objective of the following repository is to provide ideas for excellent graphs that can be utilised in finance.

FYI: almost all links are unavailable as repository had different name when addresses have been copied. Please find necessary script in Code section. Thank you for understanding.

Data Visulisation:

  • matplotlib as plt
  • seaborn as sns
  • as px


  • pandas as pd
  • numpy as np


Daróczi, G. (2013) Introduction to R for quantitative finance: Solve a diverse range of problems with R, one of the most powerful tools for Quantitative Finance. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing.

Würtz, D. et al. (2014) Basic R for Finance. publication. Zurich: Finance Online GmbH, pp. 182–185.


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