A plugin that listens to Bitbucket Server events and posts them to a URL specified in each repository's settings.
- PullRequestReviewersUpdatedEvent - An event raised when the reviewers of a pull request are updated.
- PullRequestUpdatedEvent - Event that is raised when the pull request title, description, or target branch are updated.
- PullRequestReopenedEvent - Event that is raised when a pull request is reopened.
- PullRequestRescopedEvent - Event that is raised when the ref for the source-branch and/or the target-branch of a pull request is updated.
- PullRequestParticipantStatusUpdatedEvent - Base class for events raised when a participant updates its status on a pull request.
- PullRequestMergedEvent - Event raised when a pull request is merged via the web UI or REST, or when a remote merge is detected.
- PullRequestOpenedEvent - Event that is raised when a pull request is opened.
- PullRequestDeclinedEvent - Event that is raised when a pull request is declined.
- PullRequestCommentAddedEvent - Event that is raised when a comment is added on a pull request.
- PullRequestCommentDeletedEvent - Event that is raised when a comment is deleted on a pull request.
- PullRequestCommentEditedEvent - Event that is raised when a comment is edited on a pull request.
- PullRequestCommentRepliedEvent - Event that is raised when a comment is replied to on a pull request.
- PullRequestCommitCommentAddedEvent - Event that is raised when a comment is added on a commit in a pull request.
- TaskCreatedEvent - Event that is raised when a task is created.
- TaskDeletedEvent - Event that is raised when a task is deleted.
- TaskUpdatedEvent - Event that is raised when a task is updated.