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Task: Create GitHub Actions workflow

hi there


  • Job 1 - Setup environment: Storage account and Container Registry
  • Job 2 - Build / Push to ACR: build image, scan image, and push image to ACR
  • Job 3 - Deploy to ACI
  • Make sure Docker file is secure enough

What to test tomorrow on meeting:

  • Update the Docker file
    • Change FROM: (to alpine)
    • Create separate user for the app

Useful resources:

Azure CLI commands that have been used during environment setup:

  • Login:
    az login
  • Create resourceGroup:
    az group create --name <RG_NAME> --location <SUITABLE_LOCATION>
  • Create ACR:
    az acr create --resource-group <RG_NAME> -n <ACR_NAME> --sku Basic
  • Create a service principal for GitHub Actions workflow:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME> --role "contributor" --scopes /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> --sdk-auth
  • Grant GitHub Actions service principal with the permissions to both pull and push images to Azure Container Registry:
    • Get the id of our Azure Container Registry
    registryId=$(az acr show --name <registry-name> --query id --output tsv)
    • Grant the 'AcrPush' role to our service principal
    az role assignment create --assignee <ClientId> --scope $registryId --role AcrPush
    • Grant the 'AcrPull' role to our service principal
    az role assignment create --assignee <ClientId> --scope $registryId --role AcrPull

Issues I've faced with during the workflows creation:

  • The ImageResizer app itself 😄
    • Does not work on the latest node version;
    • Tests fail all the time;
  • During deploing the process failed firs time. Error below: Error: The subscription is not registered to use namespace 'Microsoft.ContainerInstance'

Just a thoughts of how the workflow can be improved:

  • Add lint test for the "start.yml" workflow;
  • Add an event to trigger workflows after adding tag to the app;
  • Divide "deploy-to-azure.yml" jobs by needs keyword so the deploing will trigger after successful image build only.


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