Tutorials and examples for rosserial_tivac package.
catkin_make rosserial_tivac_tutorials_generate_messages
source devel/setup.bash
Small demo for the TM4C123GXL Launchpad.
It uses the UART on the debug USB port to communicate with rosserial.
Publishes on topic /chatter
a string every few milliseconds.
Small demo prepared for the TM4C1294XL Connected Launchpad.
It uses the UART on the debug USB port to communicate with rosserial.
Publishes on topic /chatter
a string every few milliseconds.
User button state publisher for the TM4C123GXL Launchpad.
Enumerates CDC device class on the device USB port to communicate with rosserial.
Publishes on topic /button_state
a custom message rosserial_tivac_tutorials/Buttons
For the TM4C123GXL Launchpad.
It uses the UART on the debug USB port to communicate with rosserial.
Gets private parameter 'my_param' on the rosserial node.
Publishes on topic /param
a float, with the default value is -1.0 if parameter is not found.
Subscriber demo for the TM4C123GXL Launchpad.
Enumerates CDC device class on the device USB port to communicate with rosserial.
Subscribes to topic /led
of message std_msgs/ColorRGBA
to change intensity and colors, value range from [0 1.0].
Service server demo for the TM4C123GXL Launchpad.
Enumerates CDC device class on the device USB port to communicate with rosserial.
Provides a service on topic /led
of message rosserial_tivac_tutorials/ColorRGBA
to change intensity and colors, value range from [0 1.0], and always responds with true
Time and TF demo for the TM4C123GXL Launchpad.
Enumerates CDC device class on the device USB port to communicate with rosserial.
Publishes on topic /tf
a static transform, timestamped with the current time.
Demo FreeRTOS application using rosserial_tivac
This demo creates 3 tasks.
- spin task - handles ros::spinOnce() periodically at 100ms.
- subscribe task - reads from the received message queue and processes data. Sends length of string to processed data queue.
- publish task - publishes data from processed data queue.