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LeetCode problems' solutions for coding interview preparation.


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LeetCode problems' solutions for coding interview preparation.

Amount of problems solved: 103/143

Paid Problems (7)

  • Encode and Decode Strings
  • Meeting Rooms
  • Meeting Rooms II
  • Alien Dictionary
  • Walls and Gates
  • Graph Valid Tree
  • Number of Connected Components In An Undirected Graph

Solved Problems

  • Arrays & Hashing
    • Easy
      • Contains Duplicate
      • Valid Anagram
      • Two Sum
    • Medium
      • Group Anagrams
      • Top K Frequent Elements
      • Valid Sudoku
      • Product of Array Except Self
      • Longest Consecutive Sequence
    • Hard
  • Two Pointers
    • Easy
      • Valid Palindrome
    • Medium
      • Two Sum II Input Array Is Sorted
      • Container With Most Water
      • 3Sum
    • Hard
  • Sliding Window
    • Easy
      • Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
    • Medium
      • Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
      • Permutation in String
    • Hard
  • Stack
    • Easy
      • Valid Parentheses
    • Medium
      • Generate Parentheses
      • Min Stack
      • Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
      • Daily Temperatures
      • Car Fleet
    • Hard
  • Binary Search
    • Easy
      • Binary Search
    • Medium
      • Coco Eating Bananas
      • Search a 2D Matrix
      • Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
      • Search in Rotated Sorted Array
      • Time Based Key-Value Store
    • Hard
  • Linked List
    • Easy
      • Reverse Linked List
      • Merge Two Sorted Lists
      • Linked List Cycle
    • Medium
      • Remove Nth Node From End of List
      • Add Two Numbers
      • Copy List with Random Pointer
      • LRU Cache
      • Reorder List
      • Find The Duplicate Number
    • Hard
      • Merge K Sorted Lists
      • Reverse Nodes in k-Group
  • Trees
    • Easy
      • Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
      • Invert Binary Tree
      • Same Tree
      • Diameter of a Binary Tree
      • Balanced Binary Tree
      • Subtree of Another Tree
    • Medium
      • Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
      • Binary Tree Right Side View
      • Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree
      • Kth Smallest Element in a BST
      • Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
      • Validate Binary Search Tree
      • Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
    • Hard
      • Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
      • Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
  • Heap/Priority Queue
    • Easy
      • Kth Largest Element in a Stream
      • Last Stone Weight
    • Medium
      • K Closest Points to Origin
      • Kth Largest Element in an Array
      • Design Twitter
      • Task Scheduler
    • Hard
      • Find Median from Data Stream
  • Backtracking
    • Easy
    • Medium
      • Subsets
      • Subsets II
      • Combination Sum
      • Permutations
    • Hard
  • Tries
    • Easy
    • Medium
    • Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
    • Design Add and Search Words Data Structure
    • Hard
  • Graphs
    • Easy
    • Medium
      • Number of Islands
      • Max Area of Island
      • Course Schedule
      • Course Schedule II
      • Redundant Connection
      • Rotting Oranges
      • Surrounded Regions
      • Clone Graph
    • Hard
      • Word Ladder
  • Advanced Graphs
    • Easy
    • Medium
      • Min Cost to Connect All Points
      • Network Delay Time
      • Cheapest Flights Within K Stops
    • Hard
  • 1D Dynamic Programming
    • Easy
      • Climbing Stairs
      • Min Cost Climbing Stairs
    • Medium
      • House Robber
      • House Robber II
      • Longest Palindromic Substring
      • Palindromic Substrings
      • Decode Ways
      • Partition Equal Subset Sum
      • Coin Change
      • Maximum Product Subarray
      • Word Break
    • Hard
  • 2D Dynamic Programming
    • Easy
    • Medium
      • Unique Paths
    • Hard
  • Greedy
    • Easy
    • Medium
      • Maximum Subarray
      • Jump Game
    • Hard
  • Intervals
    • Easy
    • Medium
      • Insert Interval
    • Hard
  • Math & Geometry
    • Easy
      • Happy Number
      • Plus One
    • Medium
      • Rotate Image
      • Pow(x, n)
    • Hard
  • Bit Manipulation
    • Easy
      • Single Number
      • Number of 1 Bits
      • Counting Bits
      • Reverse Bits
      • Missing Number
    • Medium
    • Hard

Useful Tricks and Techniques

  • Slow Pointer and Fast Pointer
  • Linked List Reversal
  • Doubly Linked List
  • Dictionaries that stores key-value pairs where the value is a ListNode or a TreeNode
  • Concept of Deep Copy
  • Two Pointers
  • Sliding Window
  • LIFO -> Probably a Stack
  • FIFO -> Probably a Queue
  • Queue where elements have priorities -> Heap
  • Learn more about Floyd's Cycle-Detection Algorithm in an Array/Linked List.
  • Remember how to validate a BST: range update while doing a DFS traversal.
  • Remember how to calculate the LCA of a BST (The code is very very simple).
  • Remember how to solve the problem "Binary Tree Maximum Sum" (Has a lot of corner and tricky cases).
  • See the NeetCode solution for "Design Twitter".
  • See the NeetCode solution for "Task Scheduler".
  • Solve the "Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array" again.
  • In Binary Search problems, think very carefully about whether you need to use < or <=.
  • The "Median of Two Sorted Arrays" problem is very hard and full of tricks.
  • The "3Sum" problem is very interesting.
  • In the problem "Permutation in String", the left pointer always decrements the freqDict and the right pointer always increments the freqDict.
  • The "Design Add and Search Words Data Structure" problem is very interesting and tricky. It's a good idea to do it one more time.
  • The "Jump Game" problem is an excelent greedy problem.
  • The "Maximum Product Subarray" problem is a tricky 1D DP problem worth reviewing.
  • The "Word Break" problem is a very good 1D DP problem.


LeetCode problems' solutions for coding interview preparation.








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