pxf-field =========
All of these projects reference various Pivotal HD libraries using Maven. These libraries are largely in the Spring Source repository:
<name>Spring Release Repository</name>
This repository is referenced in each of the PXF projects.
In addition to resolve the PXF dependencies you should use the Big-Data Maven Repository:
<name>HAWQ-MR/PXF Release Repository</name>
Note: the com.
group name is renamed to com.pivotal
The PXF- dependencies:
Note that the same repository serves pre-build pxf-field jars as well:
To build the dependecies yourself youThe dependency directory contains an install script and tarball of the required libraries. Execute the install.sh script to install them and build the pxf-test library.
Documentation on these extensions is maintained at http://pivotal-field-engineering.github.io/pxf-field/index.html