Static HTML website hosting the content for the Containers as a Service Workshop focusing on Pivotal Container Service, (PKS), delivered on PRA, (Pivotal Ready Architecture).
Below is not indicative of the 'personas', would like it to though
- What is Kubernetes?
- VMware 'Run' solutions for Kubernetes overview
- Introduce personas: Alana - Dev & Cody - Infra/OPs
- components
- terminology (TKG Service, TKG Clusters)
- advantages
- life-cycling clusters
- authentication
- Logging
- extensability and flexiblity
- components
- terminology (Management Cluster)
- advantages
- life-cycling clusters
- authentication
- Logging
- extensability and flexiblity
- components
- terminology (EPMC, OpsMgr, BOSH)
- advantages & use-cases
- life-cycling clusters
- authentication
- Logging
- extensability and flexiblity