Implementations ENS-Bid ERC20 token contract for the Ethereum Name Service.
At the technical level ENSBidToken are a ERC20-compliant tokens.
Symbol will named: EBT.
Use truffle
to create, compile, deploy and test smart contract.
Use open zeppelin
for smart contract security.
Use testrpc
for local testing.
See test for details.
ENSBidToken.sol: Main contract for the token, ENS-Bid follows ERC20 standard.
BasicToken.sol: ERC20Basic.sol interface implementation.
StandardToken.sol: ERC20.sol interface implementation.
ERC20.sol: ERC20 standard interfaces.
ERC20Basic.sol: ERC20 basic interfaces.
Ownable.sol: Owner ship.
SafeMath.sol: Math operations with safety checks.
Code for the EnsBid is being reviewed by:
- Phyrex Tsai, Author.