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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 9, 2023. It is now read-only.

Security: vocawaves/vlc-bgm



Due to the VOCAWAVES project's nature, security is a top priority. If you believe you've found a vulnerability in any VOCAWAVES repository ( please report it to us as described below.

Important Information

Remember: Do not attempt to damage the VOCAWAVES website or services, for example via DDOS, spamming and brute force attacks.

Reporting Vulnerabilities

Do not report security issues through GitHub issues, discussions or our Discord server. Please instead report them directly to our contact email at with SECURITY: <issue here> as the subject field, replacing <issue here> with brief information as to what the issue is and what repository it occurs on.

You may use the following format for sending information:

Type: [e.g XSS, SQL injection]
Repository: [e.g]
Source File Affected: [e.g src/]
URLs Affected: [e.g]
How To Reproduce:
1. [instruction here]
2. [instruction here]

[screenshot/log, optional]
Exploit Code: [optional, include directly in the email]
Impact: [explanation as to how this issue may be exploited]

Using this format will help us fix the issue faster. If you don't receive a response within 48 hours, please contact us again or notify us via another service.

Other Bugs

For non-security related issues, simply open an issue on the affected repository.

There aren’t any published security advisories