This project is the auth_jwt module for Kamailio. With this module you can authenticate UA using jwt tokens.
This is a work in progress. Please note this is not yet dev ready.
Fetch kamailio code:
git clone --depth 1 --no-single-branch kamailio
cd kamailio
git checkout -b 5.1 origin/5.1
Add the module:
git submodule add src/modules/auth_jwt
git submodule update
Login Inside The Build Environment
export DIST=xenial VERSION=dev
docker pull kamailio/pkg-kamailio-docker:${VERSION}-${DIST}
docker run -i -t -v $(pwd):/code:rw kamailio/pkg-kamailio-docker:${VERSION}-${DIST} /bin/bash
Compile the module:
export CC=gcc; cd /code;
make include_modules="auth_jwt" cfg
make all
Alternatively you can follow the kamailio instructions at .