由于weex market里的weex-image-picker插件并无裁剪和多选功能,看到也是从react-native-image-picker移植来的,并且该插件原作者推荐了功能比较多的 react-native-image-crop-picker ,于是产生了此项目。
allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } }
dependencies { compile com.github.voids:weex-image-crop-picker:1.0.2 } // 如果提示duplicate entry,则exclude不需要的module,如下 dependencies { compile('com.github.voids:weex-image-crop-picker:1.0.2') { exclude module: 'weex_sdk' } }
import cn.dv4.weeximagecroppicker.ImageCropPickerModule; // 在WXSDKEngine.initialize之后注册module WXSDKEngine.registerModule("imageCropPicker", ImageCropPickerModule.class);
@Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (mWXSDKInstance != null) { mWXSDKInstance.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } }
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
pod 'WeexImageCropPicker'
pod install
#import <WeexImageCropPicker/ImageCropPicker.h> // 在[WXSDKEngine initSDKEnvironment] 之后注册module [WXSDKEngine registerModule:@"imageCropPicker" withClass:[ImageCropPicker class]];
// example
var ImageCropPicker = weex.requireModule('imageCropPicker')
var options = {
width: 300,
height: 300,
includeExif: true,
mediaType: 'photo',
cropping: true
export default {
data: {
methods: {
gallery(e) {
ImageCropPicker.openPicker(options, (response) => {
// 成功返回 {code:'E_SUCCESS', data:{...}}
this.result = JSON.stringify(response)
camera(e) {
ImageCropPicker.openCamera(options, (response) => {
// 失败返回 {code:'E_PERMISSION_MISSING', message:'...'}
this.result = JSON.stringify(response)
Property | Type | Description |
cropping | bool (default false) | 是否开启图片剪裁 |
width | number | 剪裁后图片的宽度,cropping 为true时有效 |
height | number | 剪裁后图片的高度,cropping 为true时有效 |
multiple | bool (default false) | 是否开启多选,开启多选后裁剪功能无效 |
writeTempFile (ios only) | bool (default true) | When set to false, does not write temporary files for the selected images. This is useful to improve performance when you are retrieving file contents with the includeBase64 option and don't need to read files from disk. |
includeBase64 | bool (default false) | 是否输出base64 |
includeExif | bool (default false) | 是否输出图片exif信息,如gps、光圈、快门速度等 |
cropperActiveWidgetColor (android only) | string (default "#424242" ) |
When cropping image, determines ActiveWidget color. |
cropperStatusBarColor (android only) | string (default #424242 ) |
When cropping image, determines the color of StatusBar. |
cropperToolbarColor (android only) | string (default #424242 ) |
When cropping image, determines the color of Toolbar. |
freeStyleCropEnabled (android only) | bool (default false) | Enables user to apply custom rectangle area for cropping |
cropperToolbarTitle | string (default Edit Photo ) |
When cropping image, determines the title of Toolbar. |
cropperCircleOverlay | bool (default false) | 是否裁剪时开启遮罩 |
disableCropperColorSetters (android only) | bool (default false) | When cropping image, disables the color setters for cropping library. |
minFiles (ios only) | number (default 1) | Min number of files to select when using multiple option |
maxFiles (ios only) | number (default 5) | Max number of files to select when using multiple option |
waitAnimationEnd (ios only) | bool (default true) | Promise will resolve/reject once ViewController completion block is called |
smartAlbums (ios only) | array (supported values: ['PhotoStream', 'Generic', 'Panoramas', 'Videos', 'Favorites', 'Timelapses', 'AllHidden', 'RecentlyAdded', 'Bursts', 'SlomoVideos', 'UserLibrary', 'SelfPortraits', 'Screenshots', 'DepthEffect', 'LivePhotos', 'Animated', 'LongExposure']) (default ['UserLibrary', 'PhotoStream', 'Panoramas', 'Videos', 'Bursts']) | List of smart albums to choose from |
useFrontCamera (ios only) | bool (default false) | Whether to default to the front/'selfie' camera when opened |
compressVideoPreset (ios only) | string (default MediumQuality) | Choose which preset will be used for video compression |
compressImageMaxWidth | number (default none) | 图片压缩指定最大宽度 |
compressImageMaxHeight | number (default none) | 图片压缩指定最大高度 |
compressImageQuality | number (default 1) | 图片压缩质量 (取值范围 0 — 1,1为最好质量) |
loadingLabelText (ios only) | string (default "Processing assets...") | Text displayed while photo is loading in picker |
mediaType | string (default any) | 媒体选择类型: 'photo'=照片, 'video'=视频, 'any'=全部 |
showsSelectedCount (ios only) | bool (default true) | Whether to show the number of selected assets |
showCropGuidelines (android only) | bool (default true) | Whether to show the 3x3 grid on top of the image during cropping |
hideBottomControls (android only) | bool (default false) | Whether to display bottom controls |
enableRotationGesture (android only) | bool (default false) | Whether to enable rotating the image by hand gesture |
cropperChooseText (ios only) | string (default choose) | Choose button text |
cropperCancelText (ios only) | string (default Cancel) | Cancel button text |
参数均与react-native-image-crop-picker 文档中所列的参数保持一致