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Backpropagation Neural Tree (BNeuralT): BNeuralT is an effective and robust algorithm for generating low complexity and high accuracy models for classification, regression and pattern recognition learning problems.

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Backpropagation Neural Tree

Ad-hoc Neural Tree Generation and Training using Backpropagation Algorithm:

The Algorithm

BNeuralT is a machine learning algorithm for learning from data. BNeuralT is applied three categories of learning problems in the examples given here: classification, regression and pattern recognition. The strength of algorithm is in its efficiency and robustness in producing low complexity and high performing models. Considering biologically plausible properties, this algorithm has a computational dendritic tree-like organization.

Dependencies and configurations

The BNeuralT algorithm is written in Java version 11 in Eclipse version 2020‑03 and has the following dependencies.

  • The algorithm uses DenseMatrix64 of EJML
  • JSON object json-simple-1.1 for saving trained models in json format.
  • D3js is used for svg of model files.
  • NetworkX 2.6.2 is used for visulizations

The MLP algorithm and python scripts is written in Python 3.5 and has the following dependencies.

Project structure, data, and source code files

project directory structure

Setup of Eclipse project structure is as follows:

  • BNeuralT (root)
    • bin
    • data (csv data files)
    • dependencies (EJML and JSON)
    • model
      • view (JavaScript and HTML files for tree models)
    • src (Java version 11 source files)
    • trained_models

All csv files for classification and regression learning problems are in directory data

Model Evaluation

Test accuracy collection from pre-trained models

Runnable JAR files that can be directly run from command line

# evaluation of classification and regression problems pre-trained models test accuracy collection
-$ java -Xms7000m -Xmx7000m -jar evaluateTreeModels.jar

Eclipse project files structure has a folder src in the folder under the package trainAndEvaluateTree main entry point for the models evaluation is:


Under eclipse project necessary run configuration setup is as follows:

  • Command argument option:
    • < empty >
    • < mnist >
  • VM-Argument option: <-Xms7000m -Xmx7000m>

Evaluation of pattern recognition (MNIST) pre-trained models and reproducing results in Table 4

-$ java -Xms7000m -Xmx7000m -jar evaluateTreeModels.jar mnist

MNIST csv files is too big to upload on GitHub - can be downloaded and put in the folder data MNIST files can be downloaded from

Pre-trained models files and folder structure setup for model evaluation

  • BNeuralT
    • trained_models
      • pre_trained_class_reg_models
        • dir of a dataset
          • 30 dir <data_name instance number>
            • 6 pre trained model files <Optimizer name models [DOT] json>
            • 1 experiment files <"experiment" [DOT] txt> preserved training data sequence
      • BNeuralT_pre_trained_class_reg_models_coll.csv (This BNeuralT test results for Table 2)
      • Table_3_stats_of_all_exp_NT_RMSprop_vs_all.csv
      • Table_A1_and_All_experiments_results.csv
      • Table_A2_mean_of_all_experiments.csv
      • pre_trained_models_MNIST (MNIST dataset models)
      • Table_4_BNeuralT_models.csv (This has BNeuralT models for MNIST dataset)

Model Training

Model training using command line

Runnable JAR files that can be directly run from command line

# running cost functions (tree) for each example in Java Threads (parallel loop) -  effective for large problems only  
-$ java -Xms7000m -Xmx7000m -jar trainTreeModel_Prll.jar

# running cost functions (tree) for each example sequentially (native loop) -  effective for small problems only
-$ java -Xms7000m -Xmx7000m -jar trainTreeModel_Seq.jar

Model training using source code [Eclipse project]

Eclipse project files structure has a folder src in the folder under the package trainAndEvaluateTree main entry point of the training models is:


Under eclipse project necessary run configuration setup is as follows:

  • Command argument option: < empty >
  • VM-Argument option: <-Xms7000m -Xmx7000m>

Hyperparameter setting

experiment_training_setup.txt is a json format hyperparameter experiment setup arrangement of hyperparameters.

{"n_num_exp": "1",                  [1,2,3... ] - number of times an experiment to be repeated
"n_data_name": "mnist.csv",  -      [<data name><dot>csv ] - name of a dataset
"n_problem_type": "Classification", ["Classification", "regression"] - learning problem type for data pre-processing module depends on problem type definition  
"n_should_normalize_data": "true",  ["true", "false"]  - for regression problems normalization is efective for gradient descent
"n_scale": "[0.0, 1.0]",            scaling factor -  [0.0, 1.0]  is best suited. 
"n_validation_method": "holdout",   ["holdout", "k_fold", "five_x_two_fold"]
"n_training_set_size": "0.8",       - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] its training set size, 0.8 indicates 80%, the rest is test set 
"n_validation_folds": "2",          - if "_validation_method" is set to "k_fold"
"n_bound_tree_size": "false",       ["true" , "false"] -  for regression setting it to true is effective 
"n_min_tree_size_value": "7",       [3,4,5,...] setting it to 7 for regression is effective
"n_max_children": "4",              [2,3,4....] maximum child a node can take
"n_max_depth": "4",                 [1,2,3,...] maximum tree depth - increasing it in small amount icreamently is effective
"n_prob_of_int_leaf_gen": "0.6",    - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] its probability of an internal node is a leaf (terminal) node - effective for reducing tree size
"n_weight_range": "[0.0, 1.0]",     - neural weight initialization
"n_fun_type": "sigmoid",            ["sigmoid", "tanh"]- current implementation take sigmoid for "tanh" and other function enable (uncomment) the implementation or implement them
"n_out_fun_type": "sigmoid",        ["sigmoid", "ReLU", "tanh"]- current implementation take sigmoid for "tanh" and other function enable (uncomment) the implementation or implement them
"n_algo_param": "rmsprop",          ["gd","momentum_gd","nesterov_accelerated_gd","adagrad","rmsprop","adam"] - gradient descent optimizers
"n_gd_eval_mode": "stochastic",     ["stochastic", "mini_batch", "batch"] - stochastic and mini_batch are efective
"n_gd_batch_size": "10"             [1,2,3....] a number appropriate (smaller than training set size)
"n_gd_precision": "0.0000000001",   - precision of weight update check
"n_gd_eta": "0.1",                  - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] learning rate [0.1,0.01, 0.001] are effective learning rates in decreasing order of learning speed
"n_gd_gamma": "0.9",                - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] momentum rate
"n_gd_beta": "0.9",                 - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] decay rates (RMSprop)
"n_gd_beta1": "0.9",                - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] decay rates (Adam) 
"n_gd_beta2": "0.9",                - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] decay rates (Adam)
"n_param_opt_max_itr": "10",        [1,2,3,...] gradient descent learning epochs -  balance it with learning rate 
"n_check_epoch_set": "test"}        ["train", "test"]  check models performance on training set and test set during the learning it on training set.

MLP Models Training and Evaluation

Directory structure and files
  • BNeuralT
    • source_mlp_tf
      • data
      • outputs
      • data processing scripts [dot]py files
Model training
# it generate a performance "[DOT]npy" files and put in output folder
!$ python
hyperparameter setup
EXP_RUN = 1      [1,2,3,...] number of instance of the experments
EPOCHS = 50      [1,2,3,...] gradient descent learning epochs -  balance it with learning rate 
BATCH_SIZE = 10  [1,2,3....] a number appropriate (smaller than training set size) for a training set.

solver=['RMSprop', 'Adam','Adagrad', 'SGD','MGD', 'NAG']

FUN = 'sigmoid'  ["sigmoid", "relu" "tanh"]- current implementation take sigmoid for "tanh" and other function enable (uncomment) the implementation or implement them
ES = 5           [5, 10, 'No'] - percentage of epochs to try for early stopping
REG = 'No'       ['l1_l2' or 'No'] - regularization
OptSet = ['_','_defopt'] - '_' -s 0.1 leaning rate and '_defopt indicate 0.001 leanring rate for 'RMSprop', 'Adam','Adagrad' and 0.01 learning rate for 'SGD','MGD', 'NAG' 
Model evaluation
# it generates a performance csv file and put in the trained_model folder
!$ python

Other Algorithms Models Training and Evaluation

Directory structure and files
  • BNeuralT
    • source_mlp_tf
      • data
      • outputs
      • data processing scripts [dot]py files
Model training
# it generate a performance "[DOT]npy" files and put in output folder
!$ python
hyperparameter setup
Hyperparamter setting is same as default setting mention in Scikit-learn libarary:

EXP_RUN = 1      [1,2,3,...] number of instance of the experments 

Decicion tree classifier:
Decicion tree regression:

Gaussian process classification:
Gaussian process regression:

Naive Bayes classifier:

Support vector machine classifer:
Support vector machine regression:
Model evaluation
# it generates a performance csv file and put in the trained_model folder
!$ python


Backpropagation Neural Tree (BNeuralT): BNeuralT is an effective and robust algorithm for generating low complexity and high accuracy models for classification, regression and pattern recognition learning problems.







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