This package is very similar to (and draws most of the insipiration from) Evan's Sortable Table package. However this package allows you to perform an external command on sort/re-sort as necessary. While Evan's sortable table is does the sorting for you with the data in memory, this will not work for a sufficienty large dataset that requires pagination from the server.
The SortableTable
's view function takes a table config and SortState
that again is very simlar to Evan's with a few tweaks. For instance, the Config
requires a (msg -> SortState)
function that describes a Msg that will be fired containing the new SortState
that will allow you to perform additional request etc. as needed.
Please take a look at the documentation in the SortableTable module. As well as the small example. Additionaly there is a small example below.
elm-package install volumeint/sortable-table
import SortableTable as Table
-- Message
type Msg
= ReSort Table.SortState
-- Model
{ sortState : Table.SortState
, cities : List { city : String, country : String, population : Int }
-- Config
{-| Data records look like this - so defining columns below
{ city : String
, country : String
, population : Int
tableConfig : Table.Config Msg
tableConfig =
[ Table.defineColumn "City" (text << .city) []
, Table.defineColumn "Country" (text << .country) []
, Table.defineColumn "Population" (text << toString << .population) []
|> Table.makeSortable ReSort
-- View
view : Model -> Html Msg
view { sortState, citites } =
div [] [ Table.view tableConfig sortState cities ]