Evolutionary metabolomics of specialized metabolism diversification in the genus Nicotiana highlights allopolyploidy-mediated innovations in N-acylnornicotine metabolism
preprint available at: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.09.12.507566
# Running QCxmS on the singularity container (ubuntu.sif) with the qcxms.py script
# —> singularity exec ubuntu.sif python qcxms.py -o $outdir -nt $nr_trajectories -i $inchi
# Sending it
module load singularity
srun -p public singularity exec ubuntu.sif python qcxms.py -o mol1 -nt 5 -i "InChI=1S/C23H38N2O3/c1-2-3-5-11-20(26)12-6-4-7-13-21(27)17-23(28)25-16-9-14-22(25)19-10-8-15-24-18-19/h8,10,15,18,20-22,26-27H,2-7,9,11-14,16-17H2,1H3"
- S1_openbabel_conversion.ipynb Converts Smiles to Inchi
- S2_reformater.R Clean Databases
- S3_add_openbabel_info.R Merge Databases and drop duplicates
- S4_run_cfmid_mesocenter.sh & cfmid_commands.txt Used to run CFM on HPC Cluster
- S5_Process_mgf.ipynb Used to create composite Spectra from CFM Collision Energies
- S6_matchms_spec2vec.py Used for Database Matching of CFM ID on HPC Cluster
- S7_matchms_scores_analysis.py Used for Database Matching of CFM ID on HPC Cluster
- S8_MatchMS-v1-cosine-msp.ipynb Used for Database Matching of Nicotiana DB
- S9_MatchMS-v1-cosine.ipynb Used for Database Matching of Jassbi
- S10_Batch-QTOF-sens-v3.xml Used for Batch Mode processing of Dataset
- S11_mgf-rem-redundancy-v4.ipynb Remove redundant features
- S12_Sirius-removev2.ipynb Remove redundant IDs from Sirius mgf file
- S13_run_sirius.sh Used to run Sirius on HPC Cluster
- S14_degree-unsaturation-sirius.ipynb Restore Feature ID from Sirius ID and Calculate degree of unsaturation, requires molmass package
- S15_compound-id-sirius.ipynb Restore Feature ID from Sirius ID
- S16_canopus_consensus_ms2lda.ipynb merge the outputs of all the tools into one big table also get consensus substructures( based on ms2lda motifs) for insilico-tools and propagate canopus within networks
- S17_MSLDAmerge-motfs.ipynb Get Motifcount based on Presence of Feature
- S18_MSLDAmerge-motfs-sumall.ipynb Get Motifcount based on Presence of Feature within all Tissues
- S19_canopus_consensus.ipynb Script to merge the outputs of all the tools into one big table also get consensus substructures for insilico-tools and propagate canopus within networks
- S20_phylometabo.ipynb Calculate Pairwise Distance Matrix based on Data of Motif Figure and Network Figure
- S21_phylo.Rmd Plot Phylogenies from pairwise Distance Matrix based on APE package
- S22_sum_molformula_areas.ipynb Sum Areas of NANNs based on identical Molecular Formula
- S23_nann_bubbles.ipynb Sum Areas based on Carbon Chain of NANNs, split by hydroxylation or not
- S24_Networkclustermap.ipynb Sum all areas of Networks per Samples
- S25_ASR-single.Rmd Ancestral State reconstruction based on MBASR
- S26_dbsearch.py Script to run cosine score based search on big in-silico db
- S27_run_db.py Script to run cosine score based search on big in-silico db
- S28_group_for_treemap.ipynb Used to group and sum canopus classes peak areas
- S29_alpha_diversity.ipynb Calculate alpha diversity based on shannon entropy
- S30_Vegan_calculations.Rmd NMDS using vegan package
- S31_cosine_distance_sp_canopus.ipynb Calculate distances between species and CANOPUS classes