Flow Omise POC
Token = one time use credit card data
- create // create token one time
- retrieve // get token information cannot get token data only in same request when you create token
Customer = user data that can attach with token card
- create // create customer
- update // update data can update card to customer in this method
Ex 1: Token -> Charge // one time buy without save customer data EX 2: Token -> Customer -> Charge // next time can use customer data to buy again
Charge = normal pay one time per transaction
- create // amount in thb use (satang) so if you want to set 100 thb set 10000 (satang)
- Charge a card using token // one time and we done
- Charge a card using customer // use default card from user
- Charge a card using customer and card // selected card data from user
- update // update charge
- retrieve // get charge detail
- list // list all charge paginate
- capture // if charge not automaticlly capture move money to omise balance
- reverse // cancel charge by merchant to make dispute later
- expire // set charge to expire maybe not use for now
- createRefund
- listRefunds
- retrieveRefund
- create // amount in thb use (satang) so if you want to set 100 thb set 10000 (satang)
Schedules = subscription pay plan
Source = pay with custom payment method like internet banking or promptpay (Cont.)
Transfer = move money hold in omise account to your real account do it manually
Ex 1: Token -> Charge -> Transfer // get money
Link = generate link to pay
Disputes = when reverse charge state change to disputes
Event = can list all event happen in account
Transactions = list all transactions
Recipients = add multiple account to get money