SQL client for Hapi.
This plugin exposes a bank instance within your server.
The following operations can be performed automatically:
- Check the database connection on server startup and throw an error if the database is unreachable.
- Run database migrations on server startup.
- Destroy the database connection on server shutdown.
This plugin will also convert the columns case between code and database.
npm install @voom/bank
const Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi')
const Bank = require('@voom/bank')
async function start () {
const server = Hapi.Server()
await server.register({
plugin: Bank,
options: {
client: 'mysql', // postgres, sqlite3, ...
connection: {
// ...
migrations: {
// ...
seeds: {
// ...
auto: {
connect: true,
migrate: false,
destroy: true
case: {
software: 'camelcase',
database: 'snakecase'
await server.start()
const user = await server.bank() // or request.bank()
.where('id', 1)